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Amikke boosted
  1. Wake up in a decent mood.
  2. See news and/or discussions about the absolute cesspool that is politics.
  3. Go back to being depressed.

Strongly suspecting that the easy access to information is one of the biggest contributors to the prevalence of depression. Every day we are reminded that no matter what we do, the world won’t stop being an awful place because we as humans are just terrible in large scale management and overall rational thinking.

Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted

I just saw that Kentaro Miura, the creator of #Berserk has died. I never read his work myself but I've only heard great things about it.

Amikke boosted

Bruce Schneier coined "feudal security" to describe the dominant Big Tech security model, in which you surrender your autonomy by moving into a warlord's fortress (Google, Apple, Facebook, etc) and in return get protection from the bandits that roam the badlands without.

The historian Stephen Morillo pointed out that this is more like "manorialism" than "feudalism."


Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted

I just discovered which is a free and open source internet connection speed test service. Sorry, nothing personal but if it's #foss I just can't resist it. Bye!


Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted

Please stop spreading fud like Docker services using more resources and coming with a huge overhead.

It's not a virtual machine, it's really just a (fairly convenient) frontend to a bunch of kernel features, like namespaces & cgroups.

If you don't want a container-like abstraction on your system, that's totally fine, but please, don't make up silly arguments against it.

Amikke boosted

CDC sez you can ditch the mask if you're vaccinated. Being maskless can now be seen as a signal of having been vaccinated. Do republicucks:

A) Suddenly embrace masks as a symbol of defiance (again)

B) Get t-shirts and hats to remind *everyone* that they are, indeed, unvaccinated (because it was all about signalling in the first place)

Taking all bets!

Amikke boosted
Amikke boosted
@petros IMHO such a monitoring should be based directly on openstreetmap data where trees are already mapped. Existing tagging scheme can be eventually extended if needed:…
This will ensure that the data remains fully open and can be used anywhere osm data is used
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