@a_lizard that's just how you interpreted my comment, but nothing in my comment expressed that. Lol = laugh out loud. That's an expression merriment or the the perception of humor.
@a_lizard that's just fishing for outrage, lol
@ntnsndr you can have reference material and the work you're working on side-by-side without sacrificing information density or having to rescale your window.
Gun violence
@naga where at?
@freemo Lol! I hadn't seen that
@Jdogg247 unregistered gun? I thought we had a constitutional right to bear arms.
Will I need to register to speak politically soon?
@prismatic many instances just form an extremist echo chamber, and block any instances who show any cultures that go against their norms.
@krruzic interesting take on the situation, thank you. Do you think the escalations would still have occurred if social media and the internet didn't exist?
@wishgranter14 that's true with pretty much all music. Music is all about audio pattern recognition combined with slight pattern abberation. The combination creates a sense of novelty.
@yarmo having the user open up Internet Explorer and typing the URL manually.
@SEGFAULT this makes the assumption that perfection is required to be good. Why do you feel that perfection is necessary for goodness?
@freedompatriot is there a team behind your massive amounts of posts, or is it just one man and a lode of cocaine?
@SEGFAULT ? Yes there are. Good people do bad things all the time and vice versa. What makes you say there's no such thing?
@io I didn't think Signal was designed for that kind of chat, lol. No wonder they're struggling
@kylekulinski @verita84 @freedompatriot there's also growing cultural anxieties pushing the polarization. Cultural relativism has decayed most social standards, and it's this decay that causes the anxiety.
Small towns tend to have a relatively homogeneous culture, so feel the effects of that culture changing more.
When I was talking about gay vs straight cities, I was more subtly referencing this cultural relativism. I think it's okay for small towns to resist the cultural relativism that is required for cities to thrive.
When we see something on the news that we know about, we always think "That's not right!" We then forget about that and believe everything else we see.
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