quality twitter cross-post
RT @mikhaill
@EubieDrew @C_Stroop @TracyReneeJones @siditty @DryerBuzz @bugsact @Christelyn @absurdistwords @greg_doucette @ListsAtlow @kamilkazani @MduncanNp @ziibiing @VeryWhiteGuy @Peaceforce Thank you...appreciate the invitation. I'm not sure what I'm doing with social media right now. Haven't really been active anywhere in years. But the most fun I had with social media was in the early days of Twitter so am a bit tempted to…
Responsibly selected TWITTER cross-post
RT @EubieDrew
@DryerBuzz @C_Stroop @TracyReneeJones @siditty @bugsact @Christelyn @absurdistwords @mikhaill @greg_doucette @ListsAtlow @kamilkazani @MduncanNp @ziibiing @VeryWhiteGuy @Peaceforce You can't search plain text, just hashtags. Tags that are hot on #Mastodon are things involving crafts, hobbies, academic stuff, writing, news, politics, marginalized identities, art, photography, anything computer or IT, Twitter, scienc…
Responsibly selected TWITTER cross-post
cw: Photo of Elon doing an all-nighter with his remaining core of engineers, almost exclusively male, mostly trapped work visa employees
RT @ValaAfshar
Show me another CEO that has more skin in the game at 1AM in the office.
These young engineers are learning from the most innovative person of the twenty-first century.
I have been fooling around with #crossposting and tooting & tweeting to test the SW.
You can #crosspost #𓅪𐃘𓃰 so that the test toots don't mess with other user's feeds by having the posts set to be direct messages to no-one on the Mastodon side. You get to see if it is working without bothering anyone.
If you are recently from the #TwitterMigration, as I am, it takes awhile to realize you are not shouting into the void here but in conference with others.
And ofc it is also good general #fediverse #etiquette to toot tweets as #unlisted toots rather than #public most of the time.
Responsibly curated :TWITTER: cross-post
#xp #𓅪𐃘𓃰
RT @Noahpinion
We do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard https://twitter.com/FriendlyNetMan/status/1590086916795686912
#Mastodon is different, and it will stay that way.
#xp #𓅪𐃘𓃰
RT @ShortFormErnie
To explain how different Mastodon is from every other social network I point to the story of FedSearch.
#Mastodon has an intentionally limited search engine that only works with hashtags and usernames. Someone built a service to offer full-text search called FedSearch.
RT @EubieDrew
Okay... There seems to be a glut of #FiredTwitterEmployees and #FiredMetaEmployees looking for jobs just as the great #TwitterMigration is happening. Perfect time for #Mastodon and other
#Fediverse servers to grow.
This is my plan if it gets bad enough.
RT @imillhiser
Feels like the final episode of The Good Place here. Each of us will, at a time of our choosing, change our display name to “Elon Musk” and fade away from this website forever.
Interested in #PlanetaryScience, #Exoplanets, #Astrochemistry, #Astrophysics, and #ClimateScience.
Sometimes send curated cross-posted content from my Twitter acct, #𓅪𐃘𓃰