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@freemo @stux @Gargron

The fact of the matter is that.

There existed an ancient structure under the mosque and the Hindus wanted it for worship.

Originaly they didnt even want to demolish the mosque they were tolerant of it. All they wanted were rights to pray at that site.

But the liberal government in India turned it into such a big issue by refusing to broker peace as that would mean anhilation of vote bank politics. And loss of votes in future elections as now people wouln’t care for religion and instead ask for development activities.

The current BJP Governemnet has put an end to the Ayodhya/Babri issue.

The issue isn’t about a place of worship.

It is about putting an end to asking for votes in the name of religion and instead let votes be asked for in the name of development and poverty alleviation.

Find below more photos of the Archaeological finds from beneath the mosque. They are clearly of non islamic nature.

There was a reason the supreme court handed the land to the Hindus.

It also gave 5 acres to muslims to build a grander much better mosque than the dilapited Babri.

After this Judgement no politician in India can ask for votes in the name of religion. Narendra Modi is the only person who could have facilitated this.

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@freemo @stux @Gargron

After a lot of debates and an ongoing court case in Allahbad.

The government ordered the Archaeological Survey of India to dig up the site under the demolished mosque.

But all digging was supposed to be done in the presence of Muslim Board and Hindu Parties. This ensures no foulplay.

Now here is where the funny thing happens.

Archeologst KK Muhammad and BB Lal discover Pillars, Carving, pottery, Devangari Script Inscriptions, Human Figurines. They discover that the entire Babri Masjid was built on top of pillars of a distinctly Non-Islamic Strucuture.

They find a civilization/township that had existed there since atleast 600 BC.

But strangely these archaeologists get transfered to other projects around the country after the discovery and the site gets handed to their interns who have never even held a pick axe let alone excavate a site.

These junior archaeologists (under gov pressure) give statements about how some artifacts were place there “after” the site had been dug up.

This was later proved to be untrue as in 2019 almost all of them said that they were either not trained in arxhaelogy or had written their reports after reading what was written in Newspapers.

Imagine writing about the most controversial issue after reading a bunch of newspapers and then submitting this to the government saying that there is nothing underneath the mosque.

BB lal and KK Muhammed the orignal archaeologists were very smart to not handover their field notebooks to them. If they had the interns would have manipulated the findings in a much more sever way. They knew the waves this discovery would create and risked their careers so that the truth could survive.

You have to understand this.

The Indian Gov back then Never wanted the matter resolved as the Ayodya/Babri Issue polarised Hindus against Muslims and turned into a major facilitator for Vote Bank Politics.

Why would you sell the hen that laid golden eggs?

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@freemo @stux @Gargron

This is Babri Masjid.

A mostly dilapidated Mosque that has been the subject of a 150 year old legal dispute, and 400 year old controversy

What is the controversy?

The mosque was built in 1600 by a mughal ruler Aurangazeb (muslim invader) after demolishing what some believe to be the most Holy Site for the Hindus - The birth place of Lord Ram.

Even after the construction of the mosque Hindus would throng to the structure to offer prayers to their lord, and had been doing so from 1600 - 1947

Mention of this can be found in the records of the British Empire, who themselves recorded the site as Ram Janmabhoomi(Ram Birthplace) + Babri Masjid.

After Independence quite a few Muslim Scholars requested the Muslim Board to give the Babri Site to Hindus saying -

“Babri Masjid is not a frequented site or a significant mosque, it doesn’t hold much importance to us Muslims but for the Hindus it is a very Holy Place. Let it be a peace offering and an end to religion of Politics”

But the the then goverment and the muslim board refused to take this proposal forward as doing so would mean that they could no longer ask for votes in the name of Religion.

The politics of religion went on unabated.

Leading to this-

In 1992 a gathering of around 100,000 Hindus tore down the dilapidated mosque demanding that Ram Temple underneath it be restored.

The government shot and killed 100s of Hindus that had gathered to bring the mosque down.

Then Congress government didn’t budge when asked to resolve the matter and said there was no proof that any structure existed underneath the mosque.

It said this without conducting any Archaeological Investigation.


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@stux Is it true that admins can read DMs exchanged between two users?

What is the tech stack for and mastodon?

I am new to programming. Still learning

But very curious.

I’m so hardcore I run Mastodon right off the browser !!

UI mods are for babies !!

I like my alcohol neat as well !!

Who else is hardcore like me eh?

You can tell a dying ideology, when it needs a place to hide.

I don’t get this trend of sticking blue ticks in your Display Name.

Aren’t people just confident being who they are that they have to include a stupid emoticon just to look more legit?

What is this for? To gain followers?

Why are we repeating twitter here?

@stux @freemo

I have a question.

Which geographical region do you guys think begs the most for a “Boost” ?

It’s an open question. So please don’t hold back.

I ask this because I believe asking for validity this way is deep rooted in a persons conciousness.

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