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I very recently learned that the term “boycott” comes from someone’s actual name: Charles Boycott. Boycott was an English land agent who tried, in 1880, to collect unpayable rents from Irish peasants on behalf of an English aristocrat landlord. When he failed to collect the rents, he tried evicting the tenants. The Irish Land League responded with a campaign to ignore Boycott’s orders and isolate him socially and economically.

They not only ignored his eviction orders and threw manure at his process servers, but refused to deliver his mail or sell him food.

It was pretty effective—the British government eventually had to deploy a thousand soldiers (naturally, because the state works for the propertied class and none more than the 19th century British state) at a cost of some £10,000 to harvest £500 worth of crops. Boycott had to be evacuated by the soldiers, who even had to drive him out, as no locals would agree to drive his carriage out of the region.

Imagine being cancelled so hard that your name becomes permanently associated with getting cancelled.

Wow, that link of yours is encyclopedic! Thanks for sharing!

For those of you who have just joined , especially if part of the , I found these two articles on getting started really informative.
The GitHub page from Joyeusenoelle had some interesting info I did not know (and I am a veteran of 3 weeks on Mastodon! 😂 )

Article from Wired's Justin Pot ( and FAQ from Joyeusenoelle on GitHub (

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Kummakivi is a 500,000 kg rock in Finland that has been balancing on top of another rock for 11,000 years

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is normally seen as a privilege and not a reason to be afraid. But many people did fear freedom, Ms. Müller commented on the developments in Eastern Europe. The initial euphoria of finally being set free had soon worn off and evaporated, replaced in many places by fear. , she said, “is as complicated as freedom.” Adding momentum, organized fear is at the heart of all authoritarian regimes, which try to literally raise people to be afraid.”

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✅ NEW (draft) CRITERIA for the #ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID syndrome have been presented by Erkan et al. during #ACR22. Here is my summary slide ⬇️
#RheumMastodon #MedMastodon

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Imunitas boosted

Golden light over Jackson Lake.

As storm clouds rolled through overhead, the sun broke through, casting golden light down the mountains. An exciting moment watching this scene brighten up.

#sunset #nationalparks #landscapephotography #photography #Nature #mountains #outdoors

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Here’s a fun ICU puzzle: what is causing this crazy spiking pattern on the ECG waveform of both an intra-aortic balloon pump & ICU monitor?

A #MedEd 🧵 on an important clinical artifact & the triboelectric effect that we’ll need to go back in time 2500 years to understand! #FOAMed #PhysicsInTheICU


Hey, , got a question for you!

So my med students seem to enjoy my end-of-class babbling on medical history/oddities to the point that they are now demanding it (I have made it clear they wont get any extra credit because of this and still they insist so I assume their interest is sincere 😂 ).
I usually say ok and ask for a subject. This week they suggested the (don't ask why).
So I mushed together a few ideas. I concluded with the interaction of pestis and , bringing the subject back on track ().

Now I was reviewing some facts and I saw this paper (10.1136/pgmj.2004.024075) by Duncan and Smith on the . They make quite a case for the underlying cause of the being some sort of virus, possibly a haemorrhagic fever.
One of the arguments is the selection of yet another variant that might protect against disease - in their proposed model its CCR5-delta32 which protects against HIV-1 and seems to have had a substancial boost in prevalence during the same period of the Bubonic Plague.

I had never heard of this. I found a lot of news reports from the early 2000s on this but seems to have faded away since then as a theory.

I still found it very interesting. Does anyone have any new information on this?
I am aware of the recent isolation of Y pestis and the 2022 Nature paper, but could these two agents not have coexisted, for instance?

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This statue depicts Saint Bartholomew, an early Christian martyr who was allegedly skinned alive. If you look closely, you’ll notice that’s not a robe that he’s holding. It's actually his dissected skin hanging around him. This stunning statue is by the Italian sculptor Marco d’Agrate, c.1562. It is currently on display at Duomo di Milano in Italy. I've never seen it in person, but I hope I can one day! I think you'll agree, it's pretty awesome.

#sciart #ScienceMastodon #MedMastodon #histmed

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What's a good name for themed mastodon server?

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"We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs to be done".

-Alan Turing

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Slow mode is your friend if you’re watching the local and federated timelines.


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[job interview]

Me: Time travel

Boss: What is your biggest stren—WHAT?!

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[teaching my boyfriend cards]

ME: the blue ones represent logic, the yellow are morality & order, the green use instinct & interdependence, and the red value chaos & impulse

HIM: *frantically flipping through UNO instruction booklet*

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Women scientists maybe you thought were men

Maud Menten (Michaelis–Menten equation)
Yvonne Barr (Epstein-Barr virus)
Marilyn Kozak (Kozak consensus sequence)
Tsuneko Okazaki (Okazaki fragments - with her husband Reiji)
Helen Quinn (Peccei–Quinn theory)
Phyllis Nicolson (Crank–Nicolson method)
Hilde Mangold (Spemann-Mangold organizer)
Laura P. Bautz (Bautz–Morgan classification )
Katharine B. Blodgett (Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) film)
Martha Chase (Hershey–Chase experiments)

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There was no news for a poll. I could have told you that. How else would you get long posts with complete sentences made up of words that are actually in a dictionary? :blobcatgiggle:

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What I love about #masto is that I've discovered more artists, photographers, writers, poets, historians, archaeologists, heritage experts etc. in the last five days than I have in 10+ years on all the other platforms combined thanks to all the introductions and sharing going on. I always felt that social media was an obligatory part of the job, now it feels like a place to discover a creative world beyond my own field.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.