@design_RG #berlin has tons of lakes. It's incredible. <3
And yes, they are actively used for swimming.
@design_RG Thank you for wishing me well 🙂
I really hope she can get over it. I have also made mistakes but that woman truly went on my nerves by treating my gf like shit.
Concerining spring vs summer, I also love spring, but currently it is a bit cold here. I prefer being able to wear something more cool outside and I really miss bathing in our local lakes. There is some small lake reachable by foot from my home (which I have only discovered recently) and then there is the one 8 km from my home.
@design_RG And yes, I hope she will visit me, maybe in September. It's pretty green here where I live
@design_RG Well she lives in Paris so I will have to see but I really hope for it. But we had some drama with her other partner. They are in a polyamourous relationship but the other partner is very jealous and makes her life living hell. Which caused some drama between the three of us. I only demand that partner to stay out of my relationship and I will stay out of theirs but somehow some people don't seem to get that.
@design_RG Sounds like a plan. I told her I needed a break and will probably contact her back in June or July 😉
@design_RG Thanks. First I have to be able to see my girlfriend again 😃
Weiß jemand, wann in Deutschland wieder #Hackerspaces aufmachen?
BREAKING: ICANN has voted to REJECT the sale of the .ORG registry to private equity firm Ethos Capital. This is a major victory for the millions of nonprofits, civil society organizations, and individuals who make .ORG their home online. #SaveDotOrg https://www.icann.org/news/blog/icann-board-withholds-consent-for-a-change-of-control-of-the-public-interest-registry-pir
I will not read the news for the next days and refuse to read anything #COVID19 related. It's too sad and overwhelming sometimes and there is for the moment nothing I can do except for donating money to homeless people to provide them with food and staying home.
#infotoot for partners of #trans women - if your partner takes hormones this does not make them infertile. So use #contraception if you don't intend to get pregnant.
Stupid law fact in Germany : the mother/person who gave the sperm will still be named "father" in the birth certificate together with their dead name. I hope that this is better in other countries.
@Photor Haha. Am Schluss gehört beides zusammen wie Arsch auf Eimer. Jetzt bin ich aber erstmal mit Fernsehen beschäftigt. Netflix ruft.
Now watching #suits, time for some break
@Wifi_cable @Photor @hotaru Ich kenne das Problem, das war bei mir lange auch so. Deshalb mache ich auch Physik und keine pure Mathe. Bei Beweisen kriege ich Krätze.
@Photor Vielleicht wegen meines Namens? Pfadintegral? Vielleicht wegen der Grütze, die ich sonst so schreibe? 🙂
Vielleicht, weil ich zu viel über Mathe kommentiert habe für den Durchschnittschemiker?
@Photor @Wifi_cable @hotaru Ich wollte Chemiker sein, aber hab das Labor nicht auf die Reihe bekommen. Also wurde ich Quantenphysiker. Nun ja, Quantenkryptograph. Aber ich unterrichte immer noch Chemiker nebenher und wenn wer Nachhilfe in Mathe oder irgendwas mit physikalischer Chemie will, bekommt er/sie diese. So ein paar Lehrämtler kommen manchmal an und der Deal ist : bekoch mich und ich erkläre dir Mathe, Reaktionskinetik oder was auch immer du wissen willst. Notfalls gucke ich mir das Zeug am Tag vorher an, wenn ich keine Ahnung habe und das hat bisher auch gut funktioniert. Habe ein Mädchen durch Mathe gebracht, heute eine gute Freundin von mir und wen anderes durch physikalische Chemie für Lehramt und bald auch durch Mathe. Nur in meinem eigenen Fach gebe ich keine Nachhilfe, das würde als Tutor zu einem Interessenkonflikt führen.
You don't have to like my ideas. It's enough if they make you think and challenge ideology.