@Phaedrus Doesn't make any sense. You could easily grow poppy in the US (dk whether it is legal but afaik it is at least legal to grow that poppy sort in Austria where the seed is used for baking). The CIA would be stupid investing tons of money in wars in Afghanistan when domestic production would be so much cheaper. For the poppy - once the CIA had the plants, production of opium would be easy. As previously said the plant is legally grown in Austria, not legal to grow in Germany and IDK for the rest of the EU. But the seed is used for baking and cooking all over Europe. It's just illegal to grow the plants for opium production.
@Mummabear @realcaseyrollins I'm not into people eating each others shit because it turns them on. But what right do I have to forbid it to them? Even if they are parents of a family as long as they don't let their kids look at that kind of play I would never interfere.
@Mummabear @realcaseyrollins
What has it to do with the nanny state if the state is just kept out of people's private lifes? As long as there are consenting adults only involved legalize everything that they do to each over. With emphasize on CONSENTING and ADULT.
Servicetoot für #Laatzen, #Hannover und Umgebung: wir stehen nachher von 14:00 bis 17:00 mit unserer Unterschriften-Sammelstation fürs #Volksbegehren #Artenvielfalt vor der "Alten Feuerwache" in Laatzen-Grasdorf, das ist dort:
Diskutiert mich nicht an die Wand, ich habe jetzt schon Kopfschmerzen.
@map How do they always manage to be such a chaos. Suggesting to expand the military etat to 2% of BIP is a complete waste of resources as long as the personal remains incompetent like this.
@deutschlandfunk Klingt brauchbar.
Everyone should read this when asking about #globalfinance :
@Lwasserman Yes, that's true 🙂
@saxnot Ich glaube, ich hätte gleich Saft genommen 😉
Almost 6 years old, and @Fairphone are still pushing the Fairphone 2 by porting Android 9 to it:
That's a big proof of longevity here, kudos to you all!
The attacks on women's rights, transgender rights, gay rights etc by those describing themselves as "conservative" is not a question of minority protection or politics. Trying to justify their actions in reference to God is not a protection of religious freedoms or morals, it is an attack on the separation between church and state. Trying to discriminate based on skin colour, gender, sex or anything not related to that person's actions is nothing less than an attack on the most fundamental rights of each person in the constitution of every real democracy in the world! Discrimination is not something you can excuse with your own political opinion. Discrimination is one of the most fundamental attacks on the constitution of Western states and their core values! If we truly consider our system of democracy superiour over any dictatiorship or theocracy we must defend its core values! Undermining civil rights, enforcing surveillance and trying to abolish the teachings of enlightenment for a religious foundation pushes us closer to the dictatorships and terrorists we so despise!
Alte weiße Männer heulen über Rassismus gegen Deutsche. Junge weiße Frau heult über alte weiße Faschos https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EZ-3mCyXQAUe7vW?format=jpg&name=medium
@design_RG Thanks for the advice. 🙂
@Bishop @SirMathieu @shebang @ProfWorr @coldacid @OVDB@noagendasocial.com
Multilingual bitch here. Give it to me baby xoxo
You don't have to like my ideas. It's enough if they make you think and challenge ideology.