@freemo Only exception - females in power. They don't deserve to be raped by me 'cause they look like shit - free after Bolsonaro, speaker for all rapists
@freemo And this is why I surely will treat any woman I meet exactly the same way. What you're a girl? Can I touch your boobs? Do you wanna hook up with me? Can I buy you a drink? Have you seen my new whatever $gadget? They love this so much I'm sure they will elect me president of the United States of Europe <3
And of course everytime I meet a lady I tell them why they are likely to live in poverty later. And how they deserve it for not being a better slave to their husbands who discarded them for a younger model. In the end I might even grab them by da pussy like POTUS claims to do.
@freemo But no, I always look at those ladies like they were aliens and just came from Venus. I begin by saying "omg, you are a WOMAN!1111" and then I complain about their use of ubuntu and such
Well that was at least my experience from my first hacker camp...
@freemo :D
The question is not how to approach them but how to increase the likelihood of meeting them 🙂
I'm most of the time surrounded by guys in the hacker scene
#FamilyPlanning in #COVID19 times is a critical topic mostly in developing countries. I have given the topic much thought during the last weeks and my first conclusion was that long term methods such as the implant or an IUD would work best in times of crisis as they do not need to be refilled every month or so. Now I got a spontaneous idea. Natural family planning has a high efficiency when used correctly and an acceptable efficiency with typical use. Whalt I like most about the idea of NFP is that it is completely independent from any governmental interference. It is knowledge that can be passed on in message, in encrypted ways and all you need is observation and maybe something to measure your temperature. And a partner who is not a complete dickhead.
The modern version and my suggestion during #COVID isolation times is the following - make a video where you explain NFP and how it works and spread it through social media and telemedicine. Maybe use a contraceptive app. A lot of women has a smartphone or a normal telephone even in developing countries. #FPinCOVIDresponse #FP2020
The #PearlIndex of such apps is not perfect but with something around 7% acceptable compared to the alternatives like full abstinence or unsafe abortion.
@freemo good one :-) @design_RG I'm both female in sex and gender
@design_RG "I couldn't believe it" - I have had the same reaction. Met a nice guy on Tinder and asked him what he would do over the weekend. He was attending a FOSS conference in Brussels. I had a seminar which belonged to a lab course and two guys gave the worst presentation I have ever heard and I just improvised to have some fun. I asked him "Will Stallman be there?" He was like "You know Stallman?" I like "Yes. Such a shame that Hurd never took off" 🙂
We met some days later for our first date and he then told me that the profile was a scam, some guys making fun of him. He could barely believe it. OMG, THAT was real fun. Didn't work out in the end but still a lot of fun 🙂
@design_RG I thought most things I write would make people think I were male. 🙂 That's part of the fun playing with the big boys. Well the hacker kiddies 🙂
@freemo I see :D @design_RG
@freemo I didn't choose this... I was born this way :-)
Wasn't always easy though
@design_RG I am a woman, yes :-) @freemo
But what clue are you talking about? 🙂
@design_RG I'm interested in that clue 😃
@freemo nope, sorry to disappoint you @design_RG
@freemo @design_RG I think I told you once. And for the guessing of my gender I meant @design_RG
@freemo don't answer it, you know my real name and identity. please no spoilers 🙂 @design_RG
@freemo @design_RG Good luck. Sounds great. So what do you think about me and the way I write - guy or girl?
@design_RG INTJ sounds nice. They are cool. I'm an ENTP btw
@design_RG 🙂 Sounds great 🙂
I am a theoretical quantum physicist but I do some IT stuff as well. I do quantum cryptography and tend to spend a lot of time at hacker conferences in Europe. And yes, meeting nice people there happens quite often.
You don't have to like my ideas. It's enough if they make you think and challenge ideology.