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#Introduction I am an immunologist and science communicator. My research encompasses a few fields so my interests pretty wide- infection, microbiome, pollution and immunology-technically I am a barrier immunologist. I also feel strongly science is something everyone should be able to access and understand the basics so that they can make informed decisions and make a difference to their lives and my public engagement work tries to embody that with a co-production approach throughout.

Hello👋 I’m a research fellow and psychiatrist at the University of Cambridge. I work on interactions between the immune system, brain and behaviour esp using #ImmunoGenetics approaches. Interested in #biomarker discovery in psychiatry. Looking forward to discussions on here! #genomics #immunopsychiatry #neuroscience #neuroimmunology #introduction

Hej there, our first mastodon post from #madrid !
Heading to Chile to give a talk at @asochin and @umayor!

My latest Clinical Pipeline column at is just out.

This was an interesting piece for me, to see what's going with drugs targeting family molecules in a clinical setting, in this case an activin receptor 2a/IgG1 Fc domain fusion protein selectively mopping up ligands. The drug's been through trials in oncology, thalassemia & other conditions, but it looks like it had a good hit in pulmonary arterial .

Hello! I am a PhD student in System Biology at . I am passionate about science and in love with
Bachelor in Biology-Genetics
Masters in Oncology (Brazilian National Cancer Institute),
I've been working on onco-immunology for 10 years. I started by improving CAR-T cell design, and in the last five years, I focused on understanding the tumor immune microenvironment using

Fat food for a day gives your intestine away… or something like that.

How the gut epithelium rapidly changes upon fatty diet. Withing 24 hours some cells in the intestine increased the activity of genes associated with stress and fat metabolism.

Very nice work from the Wells Lab:

"Here we show that individual Bmp ligands and Tgfβ drive distinct enterocytic programs specific to villus zonation. Bmp4 is expressed mainly from the center to the upper part of the villus, and it activates preferentially genes connected to lipid uptake and metabolism. In contrast, Bmp2 is produced by villus-tip mesenchymal cells, and it influences the adhesive properties of villus-tip epithelial cells and the expression of immunomodulators."

Re #introduction

Hey everyone, I'm Prathyusha, a postdoc at Dana-Farber/Harvard Medical School. My PhD research was in #cancer #immunology and my current research interests are in #immunology and #genetics of #kidneycancer

I enjoy reading and painting as a hobby.

I mostly toot about science and occasionally you'll find random musings, food, and paintings (though life has been too busy lately to focus on the last).

Here to meet the fun #academic and #scientific community! #ScienceMastodon

Just getting set up on here. Looking forward to connecting with the #immunology #science mastodon community!

Nice study showing Candida albicans lipase suppressing host IL-17 responses & promotes invasive infection.

Caveats re model systems used, etc.. but interesting demonstration of pathogen evasion of protective host immune responses.
#mycology #immunology #IDMastodon #Science #IL17 #Candida


Hi, everyone! We are an #Immunology research lab 💉🧪 🧬 🔬 📊 based at the University Hospital Bonn, Germany. We are also affiliated with the Cluster of Excellence #ImmunoSensation . Looking forward to discussing #Tcells #Tfh cells #Bcells #GerminalCenters #Immunity #Autoimmunity #Infection #Cancer and #CancerImmunotherapy on #Mastodon !

Hi all! I'm a postdoc, about to start my lab at Penn studying metabolic fluxes in tumor and immune cells! Also i like bad science puns!

Colleagues at our sister #journal Science Immunology are looking to #hire another #editor to join their team! Prior editorial experience is welcome but not required. #RemoteWork is an option. The #job advertisement can be found here:

#science #immunology #publishing #career

#introduction I’ve been reluctant to engage with yet another social media platform, but this seems as good as any to keep up with others’ #science, which I do enjoy!

I’m a #postdoc at Penn (Microbiology) working with @SunnyShinLab. My research interests include #immunometabolism, #InnateImmunity, and #HostDefense in the lung. I’m also passionate about #education, #mentorship, #MentalHealth, and #DEI in STEM.

When not in lab, I’m either running and/or listening to the latest hard rock album!

A key thing I've learned about Mastodon: When you find people you know and want to keep up with, don't just follow them — add them to a list!

Merely following is not enough, b/c their posts may not show up in your feed at a time you're logged on. Unlike FB or Twitter, Mastodon has no algorithm to resurface your friends' posts from hours or days ago.

So create a list called "Friends" and check it when you're on. This will ensure that you see what they posted while you were away.

Tools for off- the-shelf CARTs:

"Conventional CRISPR-Cas nucleases install sequence-specific DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), enabling gene knock-out (KO) or targeted transgene knock-in (KI). However, simultaneous DSBs provoke a high rate of genomic rearrangements which may impede the safety of the edited cells. Here, we combine a non-viral CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease-assisted KI and Cas9-derived base editing technology for DSB free KOs within a single intervention."

For finding and connecting with scientists an may be convenient:

I’m a PhD candidate at the dept of Genetics of the University Medical Center Groningen/University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Im interested in the intestinal mucosa and to establish an advanced model of the small intestine. For this I use , , patient’s cells and -on-chip technology. With this I research and how the auto-inflammatory response in the small intestine manifests.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.