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#Publishing #OpenAccess #CreativeCommons 

@minimammoth @academicchatter I think it's very unfortunate when I see academics publishing great stuff under the more restrictive licenses like the ones that contain -NC or -ND

Do they realise that putting those restrictions on their work means that the figure images cannot be re-used in Wikipedia? This is particularly bad for papers describing new species - wikipedia needs photos of those species!!

Have just realised that #academics can use @ORCID_Org to
#verify themselves.

Just include your full mastodon link (like this: in the "Websites and Social Links" section in ORCID, then include link to your ORCID record in your Mastodon profile.

Hurray for distributed digital identities!

Word of the day:

"Kleptoplasty, the process by which a host organism sequesters and retains algal chloroplasts, is relatively common in protists"

Come be our colleague! Six open positions in the Department of Life Sciences at Imperial College London. Cell and Dev Biol, Infection and Immunity, Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, Plant Sciences, Biotech and Bioengineering, Chair in Microbiology. Great department, great students, great colleagues.

I am looking for two PhD students. Two very diverse PhDs, but both in the same project on inflammatory bowel disease.

The first will focus on real-world data, artificial intelligence and FAIR data infrastructure -->

The second will focus on both qualitative and quantitative research on clinical implementation of AI, clinical decision support or decision aids -->

#AI #IBD #healthcare #FAIR #artificialintelligence #vacancy #PhD

First toot #ScienceMastodon

I am a #devbio Group Leader at the Babraham Institute. 🐭⌛️👤⏳

Likely to highlight papers on dev bio. Specially timing, stem cells and mammalian #development.

Sometimes I post about research culture, academic progression and women in science

Trying to keep up in SMM as twitter has been useful so far.

Intro time. Hi #sciencemastodon - I'm Co-Founder of the #preprint servers bioRxiv & medRxiv at Cold Spring Harbor Lab, where I also oversee CSH Perspectives and other #publishing projects. I trained as a molecular biologist. My goal is to improve science communication.

Learn more about bioRxiv at - and on the podcast

I'm also interested in promoting understanding of different career paths for academics. More at

#introduction Hi everyone, I am a developmental biologist, working at the IBDM (Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille) (CNRS and Aix Marseille University). I study muscle development and regeneration, trying to decipher the dysfunctional mechanisms underlying muscle pathologies. I would post with any new equivalent of the very useful #MyoTwitter


I am Cesar, postdoctoral researcher and Bioimage Analyst at Serpico/STED Team of Curie Institute and Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique. I work in of fluorescence microscopy, including and . In addition, I work in super resolved polarized microscopy.

I developed different images analysis workflows including 3D single particle tracking, denoising and deconvolution.

I also participate in the image processing and data management node of , promoting data.

My personal website is

Where are all the #DevBio people at? I want to meet you all!

Rare #rant about #titles and #abstracts on #biology articles 

Would it be too much to ask for authors to mention either on the title or the abstract of a paper what #ModelOrganism was used? IMHO the significance / interest of many findings depends on that, and definitely is a criteria I use to choose whether or not to read further (which is what titles and abstracts are for). Do some people think their findings are universal? #CellBiology #DevBio #Genetics #DevelopmentalBiology

#science mastodon!
I am a researcher in #Evolution.

I am interested in everything about #biology and #nature. Specialised in evolutionary #genomics and in the study of #adaptation and #Speciation , with a spoon of #ecology, #insects, inversions and #SV ( structural variants) - based on France

I mostly use this social platform to read YOUR good papers and research ( because that's an easy and lazy way to stay up-to-date 🙂)

Looking forward connecting back with the community🤝


Let me have a correct #introduction .
Hi! I’m Djigr, evolutionary #biologist, #paleontologist , #artist and published #paleoartist ! I work on various subjects such as #temnospondyls (#crocofrogs from the past) and 3D molecular structure prediction by AI.
I do #scicom and #sciart on feathered #dinosaurs and #evolution, am known for my fake TV journal #CROW+ that teaches about #crow biology!
I’m a co-founder of Chicken Wings Dinosaurs, which produces cute and cool paleoart :sparkles_fiery:

Hi! My #introduction
I am a scientist studying how gestational exposures like #obesity and #diabetes impact metabolism in their children. We use cells from infants’ umbilical cords to understand this developmental predisposition.

In my free time I raise 2 quirky & awesome kiddos and love #running, #sewing, and #baking. I mostly post about those things, with a bit of #science thrown in 🙃

Looking to follow accounts about all of the above + #socialjustice and #bug #marine & #bird science.

ESEB is now on mastodon! We are an academic society of evolutionary biologists who aim to promote the study of evolution. We publish our journal @JEB and co-publish Evolution Letters with @sse_evolution

We support our members through several initiatives - visit for more info.

Our biennial congress is one of the biggest meetings of evolutionary biologists in the world. Great to see so many of you here 🐘

#introduction #evolution #society #sciencemastodon

Hi Mastodon community! I am a MRC Investigator and group leader at the MRC Human Genetics Unit at the University of Edinburgh. Very glad to be here...

A certified '#cellbiology on an organismal scale' fanatic- we believe seeing is believing! We ❤️ hacking ways to 'see' biology happen in real time across scales in health and disease!

Imaging addict. Genome wrangler. Developmental biologist at heart.

#cilia #centrioles #genetics #Science #genomesurgery #raredisease

I came across this paper.
"By blue-shifting the beam and separating by on/off switching, individual fluorophores bound to a strand are localized with σ = 4.7 Å, corresponding to a fraction of the fluorophore size, with only 2,000 detected ."
This image showing resolution below the size of the fluorophore leaves me speechless.
The paper features images of , , synaptic , () and

Our most recent #preprint ( was submitted for peer review by eLife under 'the new model' - I'm happy to share that it is now undergoing in-depth peer review. To celebrate, here's a cell that's making a little dance, guided by light

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.