I tried going into profile settings via web on my phone, it shows me a whole new set of options. I have a few questions wrt options and usage.
1. What is profile metadata supposed to be? It says Label and Content, where does this show up?
2. List account on directory (that I checked on recommendation) - where can this be seen? How do I access said directory if I'm looking for interesting accounts to follow?
3. I read somewhere that specific hashtags can be followed by clicking on the follow button that appears next to the hashtag upon searching. I tried this on both web and Android app and somehow cannot see any option to follow a hashtag (eg #photography), is there something I'm missing here?
@juergen_hubert ah! I suppose that's why I cannot follow hashtags.
Thanks for clarifying!
@juergen_hubert ah, that explains it. Same with the edit button, people seem to be talking about the edit button I can't see it though. (Editing posted toots I mean).
@NehaKhazanchi I don't know at which version editing was introduced to Mastodon.
Try it in the web interface - it should be among the "three dot" options to the lower right.
@juergen_hubert yes I did try on web too, can't see it anywhere.
@NehaKhazanchi That's too bad. I hope your instance admins will update soon!
@juergen_hubert I'm sure they will, thanks for helping! 🙂
@juergen_hubert @NehaKhazanchi
Qoto is *based* on Mastodon v3.2.1, but it's actually a fork i.e. @freemo took the code and added a lot of features (incl. the Markdown support, quote posts, etc.) in Qoto's branch of the code, so the version number doesn't tell the full story. In this case, I believe Qoto added hashtag-following before the main Mastodon code did, you can find it at https://qoto.org/settings/follow_tags or going Preferences -> Follows and Subscriptions -> Following hashtags
@freemo @digital_carver @juergen_hubert wonderful, thankyou!
@digital_carver @juergen_hubert @freemo I suppose these features are available on web and not on apps are they?
Quote posts sounds interesting, exactly like Quote Tweet I assume?
Same idea, yes... and unfortunately you can only access it on web yes.
@NehaKhazanchi @digital_carver @juergen_hubert @freemo
Qoto through mobile web is worth it! The only issue is the notification alerts. But I guess that's a blessing in disguise (atleast for me)
I use the web client on my mobile, works great.
@NehaKhazanchi Yup, your instance still seems to be using v3.2.1.