#ThrowbackThursday - decades later, and I'm still rocking the same fantastic fashion sense, wild hair, and terrible posture. Some things will never change.
@albertcardona @DrYohanJohn @ct_bergstrom
100% Yes.
@DrYohanJohn @ct_bergstrom If we all start humming quietly, I feel like we can supply our own mood music and make this work! I'm taking the stance of whoever I happen to run into next on Mastodon is my new best friend. It seems easier than trying to track down everyone I once knew on the bird app.
@enog "Mastadonians" sounds fancy. I'm putting my vote there.
In my previous work studying Parkinson's Disease (PD), I was fascinated by freezing of gait, a phenomenon where people with PD become "frozen" in place while trying to take a step during walking or turning.
Researchers in this recent paper identified that theta oscillations in the midfrontal area of the brain may be involved in these freezing of gait symptoms, contributing to our understanding the mechanisms of freezing.
#ParkinsonsDisease #PD #Neuroscience #Research #Brain #EEG #Science #Neurorehabilitation #Gait
Just s reminder we are looking to bring in THREE people on the tenure track as part of our new cluster hire in #indigenous science here at ESF. It's a great place to live and to work, with string institutional support for Indigenous centered science and Indigenous students. Plus opportunities to work with our partners and in our field stations in the Adirondacks https://esf.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp;jsessionid=942398213E171B2FA666BCE6DEBC2020;jsessionid=C42A3F5E2572300B4DA0FB052308326A?JOBID=155547
Thank you to my brother, @nathansmith, for getting me up on Mastodon. I am a faculty member at CU PT, with professional interests in spinal cord injury research, neuroscience, and pro bono care. #introduction #academic #neuroscience
Right now everyone is still engaged in making connections and introductions, but as @PessoaBrain mentioned, we should think about ways to stimulate good #neuroscience conversations (especially sans timeline algorithm).
I don't think there is any magic formula, so I'd encourage everyone to just post what fascinates them: stray thoughts, quotes from papers and books, diagrams, contentious topics, and perhaps my favorite: 'dumb' questions. 🤓
I am fascinated by the #brain 🧠, #neuroscience, #ageing, #Alzheimer's #dementia and #neurodegenerative #diseases - especially the #noradrenergic system of the #LocusCoeruleus ( #LC #bluespot 🔵🔵) and #vagusnervstimulation ⚡. Let's continue to exchange about it.
#introduction Hi there! My name is Clément, I am an evolutionary biologist interested in #transposons (Jumping Genes 🧬➰🧬) !
#transposons are really cool! They turn Cabernet 🍷 into Chardonnay, protect us from viruses 👾and also give their nice smell to roses🌹!
I really like to pretend I'm doing bioinformatics by playing Lego with software and making pipelines and methods for #transposon analysis and annotation. Here are some of them:
- #dnaPipeTE : find and quantity transposons in short-reads data https://github.com/clemgoub/dnaPipeTE
- #GraffiTE : detect and genotype polymorphic #Transposon insertions using #pangenome approaches https://github.com/cgroza/GraffiTE
- #TE+Aid : a little tool to help manual curation of #Transposons libraries https://github.com/clemgoub/TE-Aid
I am also a contributor to the #TEhub a community centered ressource to learn and share how to analyze #Transposons -- find out more here https://tehub.org -- YouTube: https://youtube.com/@tehub
Always excited to talk about anything, please reach out if you are interested in #Transposons!
When I don't do science, I am passionate about music (I'm into DIY synthetizers these days), vinyl records, photography, skiing, video games and ah yes I am quite passionate about politics too!
Check out this job posting by the Sidabras group at the Medical College of Wisconsin:
@mick Hello and welcome!
Happy to connect here as professor, lab director, educator, and researcher. My lab (Brain, Education, and Mind - BEAM) studies the development and difficulties of language and literacy. Our methods include #neuroimaging (#fMRI) as well as #assessments. As a professor, I train future clinicians to understand students and identify areas of strength and challenge, especially relative to specific tasks. #introduce #introductionpost
Citizen-led #expeditions have a unique role in fostering close connections between the public and the scientific community. @OctoEduardo advocates for greater support and encouragement for citizen-led projects, like #CaptainDarwin.
@thenewstats Hope you're feeling better! The migration has been an adventure for me too, but I'm liking the community so far!
Nice! TWiV was one of the first podcasts I started listening to, and I remember feeling so starstruck when I interviewed Vincent Racaniello for one of our shows.
Opportunity for a #postdoc at Baycrest, Toronto, with two of the most wonderful mentors you will find in our #memory community!
Consultant and host of the People Behind the Science podcast interested in #neuroscience, #neurorehabilitation, motor control, #science communication, entrepreneurship, and cleansport!