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Microglial process dynamics enhance neuronal activity by shielding GABAergic synaptic inputs

OK hi time for a hashtag-athon #introduction post.

I run a behavioral #neuroscience lab in #boston and care a lot about #sabv in basic research and #equity in #academia.

In other realms, just an unapologetic and enthusiastic dilettante. I have an extensive home bar and like making #cocktails. I get excited about #fonts. I am learning to play the #drums. I like taking pictures (#photography) of buildings with my phone. #midcentury design (any medium), yes please.

I really loved Twitter.

Intro time. Hi #sciencemastodon - I'm Co-Founder of the #preprint servers bioRxiv & medRxiv at Cold Spring Harbor Lab, where I also oversee CSH Perspectives and other #publishing projects. I trained as a molecular biologist. My goal is to improve science communication.

Learn more about bioRxiv at - and on the podcast

I'm also interested in promoting understanding of different career paths for academics. More at

#introduction I'm a neuroscientist at Oxford and UCL. I spend most of my time thinking about the front of the brain and how it controls behaviour. Sometimes this leads me backwards, but never really further back than hippocampus. I am also deputy editor at eLife so you can shout at me for that if you like.

#introduction: I am obsessed with the biology of #hallucinations and #delusions.

I am a #newPI at the Francis Crick Institute, London. In our lab, the #Psychosis Collective, we study the neural circuits and immune processes underlying unfounded perceptions and thoughts 🐭 👤 . I look forward to great #neuroscience #immunology #neuroimmunology #psychiatry here!

This is me moving to London without ever having been to London before.

@frankgarcea Welcome! Make sure to keep an eye on and / especially over the next week. :)

Are you going to ? Stop by our posters and say hi! Monday afternoon 414.21 / ZZ38 - Temporal interference neurostimulation yields fMRI BOLD activation in humans. Also Tuesday afternoon 573.08 / XX9 - Computational neural mechanisms of scalable planning to arbitrary goals.

This post includes info how to self-verify your Mastodon account. Those blue checks mean nothing in Mastodon. But you can verify your website. @gcluley

Every Mastodon explanation is like "It's very simple, your account is part of a kerflunk, and each kerflunk can talk to each other as part of a bumblurt. At the moment everyone you flurgle can see your bloops but only people IN your kerflunk can quark your nerps. Kinda like email."

RT @NatRevNeurosci
Attractor and integrator networks in the brain — a Review by Mikail Khona & Ila Fiete

@KhonaMikail @FieteGroup


Tip 1: Use hashtags. There's no algorithm to suggest followers or shove posts into your feed in the hopes you follow someone.

Tip 2: Boost (re-post) toots liberally. *You* are the algorithm.

Tip 3: Use CW (content warnings / content wrappers) to discuss politics, the meta.

Tip 4: To create "threads", make the first post public and each reply "unlisted" to prevent clogging up your instance's feed.

Tip 5: Provide text descriptions, even just basic ones, when attaching photos or media.

Tip 6: Use the "report" features for moderating trolls so your admins can take action.

Hi everyone!

I am an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Biology at (). I study and in mice and humans. My research uses of abuse (i.e. and ) and radiation to probe how peripheral responses impact . I and () how to think about and challenge them to question HOW they know content. Here are some other topics/tags that I am fond of:

Currently seeking guest speakers for our local #GirlsWhoCode club here at Michigan! Speakers are typically #WomenInSTEM who discuss their career paths and take questions from high school students. Presentations are about 10-15 minutes plus time for questions. Club is virtual so anyone can be our guest speaker! DM me if interested! #WomenInScience #Science #ScienceMigration

With happening, two resources I've found:
(1) register with them to link your twitter and mastodon accounts. Then it will find (and output an importable .csv of) the mastodon addresses of all of your twitter follows that have registered with them. The more of us that register, the better it works.
(2) put your mastodon address in your twitter bio. Then fedifinder will find all your twitter follows (or followers, or lists) who have put their mastodon address in their twitter bio, and output a .csv of them as above.
(To import the csv: edit profile -> import and export -> import, and be sure that 'merge' is clicked.)

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.