For #SaferInternetDay, we recommend you contact your representatives and warn them to OPPOSE #KOSA and the #EarnItAct as they are censorship bills that would endanger everyone (especially the LGBTQ+ children!), NOT protect them.
The American public has spoken several times, and the message is clear: no mass surveillance and other #privacy violations under the guise of "child protection". It's time for congress to stop reintroducing the #EARNITact and pass legislation that actually keeps kids safe.
The American public has spoken several times, and the message is clear: no mass surveillance and other #privacy violations under the guise of "child protection". It's time for congress to stop reintroducting the #EARNITact and pass legislation that actually keeps kids safe.
RT @lovingtaeonmain
He's willing to work with fascists and transphobes and homophobes and ignore the vast majority of people who DO NOT WANT bills like #KOSA and #EarnItAct. If he actually cared about kids he'd push for more public school funding, more mental health resources, better wages.
A child protection organization combining an evidence-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention with its commitment to human rights and sex positivity.