RT @XBIZ: SW Groups Denounce Arizona's Fear-Mongering Around Super Bowl https://xbiz.com/news/271378/sw-groups-denounce-arizonas-fear-mongering-around-super-bowl…
RT @StopItNow
Stop It Now! Director, Jenny Coleman, is part of a team of #childsexualabuse prevention experts presenting at the Douglas County School District Legacy Campus in Colorado on February 10th.
There is no cost to attend this panel. Register here: https://bit.ly/3JaK8YO
A few who may become criminals:
- Child advocacy centers who use anatomically correct dolls when questioning victims.
- Special educators seeking to divert mentally disabled clients from harming others.
- Anyone who can't lift a full-size doll. https://prostasia.org/media/?email_id=50
The other 2023 sex toy criminalization bill in Utah recently passed the House and now heads to the Senate. Sponsors @MatthewGwynn and Scott Sandall should know their law has no support from prevention experts as it could obstruct their work.
2023's second sex toy prohibition law was just introduced, this time in Kentucky. Let's remind sponsor @sdietz2 that such laws aren't evidence-based or supported by experts, and could hamper prevention research. https://openstates.org/ky/bills/2023RS/HB182/
"Among her recommendations are “comprehensive sex education” and perpetration-prevention programs that include “peer support for people who are at risk of offending, but who have committed never to harm a child.”" https://buff.ly/3jhl4Vo
RT @mattxiv
part of the problem with tiktok censorship is that users are making up so many code words to describe serious topics that nobody ever knows what the hell anyone is actually talking about https://twitter.com/PopCrave/status/1619014992426319873
RT @OpenRightsGroup
On #SaferInternetDay the government would like you to think the #OnlineSafetyBill does that. But how is it safe to scan everyone's private messages? Given the uncertainties of the tech and its deployment on every phone, the aim is surveillance over safety. https://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/how-the-online-safety-bill-puts-a-spy-in-your-pocket/
RT @NoLieWithBTC
A far-right Trump-appointed judge in Texas is set to potentially outlaw abortion pills in all 50 states as early as this week. (@Dahlialithwick) https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/02/abortion-pill-outlawed-single-judge-real-possibility.html
"For autistic people, prison is a special kind of punishment. Bright lights, noise and the relentless presence of other people are overwhelming for many of them." https://buff.ly/3hP1dw0
"Despite the stigma and prejudice that we face, there is nothing wrong with being a furry. We don’t have to apologize for our existence to those who don’t understand us, and we shouldn’t capitulate to their paternalistic demands." https://buff.ly/2GqQG3p
RT @StopItNow
Adults who have had experiences of sexual abuse as children need and deserve a chance to speak about their experiences with those who understand and can help. If you or someone you love needs support to recover, now is the time to reach out for help.
"Carolyn Foote watched the image of her profession veer from the stereotype of “shrinking violets behind spectacles” cataloging titles to “pedophiles and groomers” out to pollute the minds of the nation’s youth." https://buff.ly/3JntO6Z
FOSTA is an unconstitutional law that broadly censors the internet, hinders harm-reduction efforts, and harms sex workers, advocates, and numerous others by chilling their ability to speak, organize, and access information online.
RT @CraigHarper19
Our latest paper exploring the treatment targets identified by people who are sexually attracted to children is now out (and open-access) in the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy.
A child protection organization combining an evidence-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention with its commitment to human rights and sex positivity.