"Ballard, Caviezel, and others of their ilk had primed the public to accept Sound of Freedom as a documentary rather than delusion by fomenting moral panic for years over this grossly exaggerated “epidemic” of child sex-trafficking, much of it funneling people into conspiracist rabbit holes and QAnon communities." https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-reviews/sound-of-freedom-jim-caviezel-child-trafficking-qanon-movie-1234783837/
"According to documents that the Sheriff’s Office provided @EFF through a public records request, it has shared license plate reader data with law enforcement agencies in states that have passed laws banning abortion" https://news.yahoo.com/sacramento-sheriff-sharing-license-plate-133000119.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr
"People who have volunteered for OUR have raised concerns that it could actually have been creating demand for trafficking victims" https://www.vice.com/en/article/4a3apm/anti-trafficking-group-with-long-history-of-false-claims-gets-its-hollywood-moment
"Though deeply disturbing, Shiny Happy People casts a light on what happens when religion attempts to control people’s sexuality. The result is widespread emotional, psychological and physical abuse resulting in molestation, rape and domestic violence." https://www.ynot.com/duggars-documentary-reminds-america-fundamentalism-problem-not-porn/
"The problem stems back to the 2018 passage of the FOSTA-SESTA laws, which wrongfully equated sex work with sex trafficking." https://www.fastcompany.com/90920031/sex-workers-worry-that-threads-could-kill-their-business
"Stabile said these regulations are also dangerous because they are 'just the beginning of the speech the government is hoping to limit, which is why it's so important to fight it now.'" https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/07/free-speech-group-backs-pornhub-in-fight-against-state-age-verification-laws/
"the Meloni government further establishes itself as a new force for anti-LGBTQ+ politics in Europe, alongside the governments of Poland and Hungary." https://theconversation.com/lgbtq-parents-are-being-removed-from-their-childrens-birth-certificates-in-italy-heres-whats-behind-this-disturbing-trend-208241
"Are you passionate about keeping kids safe? What about defending digital privacy? Or standing up for the rights of minorities? You can do all of the above when you volunteer for the Prostasia Foundation." https://forum.prostasia.org/t/prostasia-foundation-role-documentation/2350
"LGBTQ+ researchers and advocates have also noted an increase in threats of violence and hate speech targeted at LGBTQ+ individuals and communities, ever increasingly with the intention of stifling trans rights and canceling drag events." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/06/around-world-threats-lgbtq-speech-deepen
"Children can learn to take advantage of other children, and child sexual abuse is one form of that. Bullying is another, albeit more common, form. We have normalized cruelty, and we must change how we treat one another." https://prostasia.org/blog/fear-and-abuse/
"The digital rights community has observed an uptick in censorship of LGBTQ+ websites as well as troubling attempts by several countries to pass explicitly anti-LGBTQ+ bills restricting freedom of expression and privacy" https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/06/around-world-threats-lgbtq-speech-deepen
Reports of abusive content can give law enforcement the evidence they need to stop abusive situations. Your report could help save a child. https://prostasia.org/get-help/csam/
"When you dig far enough into the data, you realize that any data supporting the idea of dangerous minorities is, of course, the very same fearful exploitation. Because they’re hated, they are targeted by police, legislators, and the dominant group." https://prostasia.org/blog/fear-and-abuse/
"We need to systematically change to ensure we are protecting the vulnerable among us, not attempting to call their efforts for protection ‘woke’ in a disgusting attempt to make bullying a good thing." https://prostasia.org/blog/fear-and-abuse/
"It is common in abuse statistics for minorities to be overrepresented. In other words, minorities are particularly vulnerable, and trans people are no exception." https://prostasia.org/blog/fear-and-abuse/
"For example, a list of presumptively CSAM-related search terms used by several platforms including Patreon and Pinterest was later revealed to include terms referencing legitimate LGBTQ+ content." https://jere.my/three-guidelines-for-child-exploitation-policies/
"“These laws give the state the power to harass and censor legal businesses,” said Alison Boden, Executive Director of Free Speech Coalition." https://www.ynot.com/fsc-sues-louisiana-age-verification/
We're building a better tomorrow for children everywhere, but we can't do it alone. Support our work to prevent sexual violence by becoming a member for as little as $5/month and help us grow our impact.
Spying on students is bad enough, but using it to target marginalized students who already experience sexual violence at higher rates is especially terrible.
"If your child tells you that they have been abused, reassure them that what happened was not their fault and that they can safely talk to you as they feel comfortable. Then, work with them to figure out how you can best provide support." https://prostasia.org/services/parents/
A child protection organization combining an evidence-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention with its commitment to human rights and sex positivity.