Hate Mail
Oh boy. A popular science piece I wrote for @ProstasiaInc is now live. Found out via the bird site. Given that site’s willingness to tolerate #hatespeech, #ViolentThreats rhetoric, and all out threats, I can’t foresee this ending well. The piece I wrote is about #sexualabuse #prevention and I stand by it.
The thesis of the piece is simple: we need to stop the performative rage and actually put our money where our mouths are. #protect #children.
RT @JuliaSerano
new essay! not only debunks #trans "social contagion" & "gr00ming" charges, but shows how they're linked, & the unconscious thinking behind the TERF-to-fascist pipeline. no paywall link, pls share & give it lots of "claps" (up to 50) so other ppl see it!
RT @WoodhullFreedom
Our friends @DecrimSex wrote a succinct explanation of #SESTA/FOSTA.
Check it out here: https://decriminalizesex.work/sesta-fosta-explained/?eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=f5d56afc-8706-4086-b5c4-a218706f55fc
RT @evan_greer
RED ALERT: hearing @SenSchumer is falsely claiming he has hear “no opposition” to #KOSA despite LGBTQ+ and digital rights advocates repeatedly explaining how this bill is a disaster with a lot of the same problems as the EARN IT act and similar bills. https://act.eff.org/action/tell-the-senate-the-solution-to-kids-privacy-isn-t-more-surveillance
"Every person is responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the most vulnerable among us. But how safe are we and our children if we (the people who engage in this work) are not allowed to be their complete selves?" https://buff.ly/3gDgzDt @DrGTenbergen
RT @lovingtaeonmain
He's willing to work with fascists and transphobes and homophobes and ignore the vast majority of people who DO NOT WANT bills like #KOSA and #EarnItAct. If he actually cared about kids he'd push for more public school funding, more mental health resources, better wages.
The call is coming from inside the house
RT @willsommer
QAnon believers say they're fighting a pedophile cabal.
Today, I've got a story on a leading Q promoter whose ill-advised defamation lawsuit against a local paper revealed his own criminal relationship and sexually charged text messages with a teenager.
“It seems that the goal of some in Congress is actually censorship. It is to prevent children and teenagers from seeing certain types of content,” EFF’s @imck82 told @nationaljournal about the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). https://www.nationaljournal.com/s/719663/the-narrow-pathway-to-passage-for-the-childrens-online-privacy-bill/?unlock=G6HJCFSENDPDCZ65
Another child has been bullied into attempting to take their own life over accusations about "pedophilic" artwork. No other child protection group recognizes this crisis because they support and profit from such moral panic.
RT @ztater_
@evelynisepic has attempted suicide for a fourth time, and this time was very likely successful, because she has never been as low as she was the last few days. I hope you're happy, twitter. I really ho…
Thanks to higher character limits and the growing number of people who are moving to Mastodon and deleting their Twitters, some of our social media content is only available on Mastodon. Follow us there to make sure you don't miss anything! https://qoto.org/@ProstasiaInc
"I know how consent works in real life. I know how to get and give consent. I know that children can’t consent because they haven’t matured enough to be able to do so (nor do I have any sexual attraction to minors)." https://buff.ly/3fYOkOY
What @Google didn't mention is that not only do they falsely flag drawings, but their AI falsely flags medical images https://buff.ly/3Df8hsA
EU residents shouldn’t have their private messages scanned. Let’s say no to #ChatControl. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/10/eu-lawmakers-must-reject-proposal-scan-private-chats
As hate groups continue to disguise their bigotry as efforts to protect children, Prostasia's role as a child protection watchdog has never been more important. If you want to support this important work, consider becoming a member.
RT @ashtonpittman
NEW: The parents of a teen Mississippi rape victim had to travel 500 miles to help their daughter get an abortion in Illinois.
The family told @MeganWestWAPT that they learned their daughter was pregnant three days after the six-week legal limit passed.
"For the crime of enjoying and writing fiction, I’ve been labeled a predator. Or, even more erroneously, a “pedo”. Nevermind that my enjoyment has nothing to do with attraction to cartoon characters (let alone real children)." https://buff.ly/3fYOkOY
A child protection organization combining an evidence-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention with its commitment to human rights and sex positivity.