"While Fox and Tucker Carlson claim he is 'speaking out' against child sexual abuse, what they are doing in reality is criticizing and vilifying those who are actually working to reduce it." https://buff.ly/3VwxJAZ
"The point, though, is to link LGBTQ people to child sex abuse, one of the most common tactics hate groups use to turn people against LGBTQ equality." https://buff.ly/3EEeZdo
"Indeed in 2019, Britain’s National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) chose to purge itself of its LGBTQ+ representatives rather than showing solidarity with them in the face of anti-LGBTQ+ smears against the organization." https://buff.ly/3v8w0qE
Science says that "destigmatizing pedophilia", aka "improve the psychological well-being of people with pedophilic sexual interests", can help prevent sexual abuse. https://buff.ly/3PXDVk6
RT @elonmusk
New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science
In a post-Roe world, protecting privacy with end-to-end encryption is a crucial aspect of protecting human rights.
RT @matthew_d_green
I think we’re about to see an explosion of new end-to-end encrypted cloud services. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/google-introduces-end-to-end-encryption-for-gmail-on-the-web/
RT @JamesMartinSJ
LGBTQ people are "just evil people and they're out to groom kids." This kind of language is used by every hate-mongering group seeking to eradicate the "other." First, label them evil, then subhuman. It leads to harassment, violence and death. The end goal is extermination... https://twitter.com/Esqueer_/status/1607741993089892353
"The problem of closed social media spaces becoming breeding grounds for illegal or violative activity is not unique to TikTok; groups enabling child predation have also been found on Facebook, for example." https://buff.ly/3tAwBkf
“The attack on porn and sex workers is intimately connected to the attacks on drag, trans healthcare, reproductive rights, book bans and digital privacy. IODA (the Interstate Obscenity Definition Act) is one part of a larger movement to push sex and gender back in the closet.”
RT @acvalens
In 2020, it was SISEA. Now it's IODA. This one is particularly scary. It would federally formalize obscenity & essentially outlaw the creation / di…
"Thus although the accusation of “grooming” is a mask for generalized bigotry against sexual minorities, the moral panic that underlies it is indeed a reaction to the threat that modern sexual and gender norms pose to authoritarian patriarchal hegemony." https://buff.ly/3v8w0qE
"Some adult factory workers in Alabama’s Hyundai supply chain told Reuters they knew or suspected that children worked alongside them, but feared raising the issue would cost them their jobs." https://buff.ly/3G0gEe7
"The moral panic around the film Cuties explains why so many right wing extremists are using the “groomer” “child predator” attack to smear their enemies today." https://buff.ly/3V4P3Nf
RT @AshleyLatke
this is literally what apple's app store stuff is pushing, because they classify all LGBTQ content as adult content, which is why we asked you to stop pushing pressure through the app store. apple is just as conservative as disney, probably more so actually https://twitter.com/ErinInTheMorn/status/1602398750504325130
RT @mikestabile
Just like drag and abortion and contraception and porn and sex education and LGBTQ+ lives, sexual wellness — and sex itself — is on the Republican chopping block. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/04/ted-cruz-dildo-ban-sex-devices-texas/
"But the accused “groomer” of 2022 was less likely to be an abuser, and more likely a teacher, a parent to a transgender child, or a medical professional." https://buff.ly/3v8w0qE
RT @WoodhullFreedom
Stigmatization of sex work means that those known to work in the sex trade," known prostitutes," are treated differently by the community & law enforcement, who often discriminate against them when they make claims/try to file reports.
#safersexwork #solidaritywithsexworkers
RT @billybinion
Bradley Bass did his job in accordance with school policy. But cops say in the process he ran afoul of an old Colorado child-porn law, which they are now weaponizing against him to criminalize him for...doing his job.
This is not parody. https://reason.com/2022/12/09/this-principal-investigated-a-sexting-incident-so-the-police-charged-him-with-possessing-child-porn
"Platforms like social media networks and adult content sites rely on Section 230 to justify good-faith self-regulation and moderation. But, the law remains controversial among both major political parties." https://buff.ly/3WcG7Gv
A child protection organization combining an evidence-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention with its commitment to human rights and sex positivity.