RT @SaintStinky
The arson attack on the Planned Parenthood clinic came just two days after Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed comprehensive reproductive health care legislation into law that protects out-of-state abortion seekers and allows them to get an abortion https://abcnews.go.com/US/planned-parenthood-set-fire-2-days-after-state/story?id=96502839
RT @qirtaiba
UK: We promise that these sweeping tech censorship powers will ONLY ever be used against child sexual abuse material...
...oh, and also "video footage that shows people crossing the Channel in small boats in a 'positive light'”. Just as bad, yeah? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/jan/17/donelan-confirms-stiffer-online-safety-measures-after-backbench-pressure
RT @mikestabile
"Exodus Cry received more than $2.5m in donations in 2021, including from prominent Christian foundations, according to filings to the Internal Revenue Service. It also received $117,300 in government grants." https://twitter.com/openDemocracy/status/1613161082968838144
Masturbation is normal for children and adults alike. Shaming or denying child sexuality does not help stop abuse, it just makes children feel bad for something natural.
RT @NicoleRPrause
A 12 and 14 year old on a Reboot forum planning to self-harm to stop themselves from masturbating.
Let’s call this what it is — an unconstitutional censorship attempt rooted in a coordinated national effort to push LGBTQ+ people out of public life. The #NEleg must reject this bill. https://twitter.com/NebraskaMegan/status/1613582367947460625
FOSTA/SESTA could be ruled partly unconstitutional – because it interferes with online discussion of efforts to decriminalize sex work. https://buff.ly/3ZAi86F
"According to the news site, two of the three judges, Patricia Millett and Harry Edwards, “seemed inclined to rule that aspects” of FOSTA-SESTA violates the First Amendment by appearing to criminalize efforts to legalize prostitution." https://buff.ly/3QBmFlg
“This is two months that I, along with many other students, could have been checking out and reading these books. Instead they sat in tubs and waited for approval that would take months to be granted.” https://buff.ly/3idrhkd
RT @unitedswers
“The headline issue here should not be that a teacher has an OnlyFans, but why teachers, key workers, are paid so little that they must turn to sex work to survive.”
RT @bylukemalone
🚨 The documentary I produced alongside directors @mustardphoto and @RachelBethA, is premiering at @sxsw! I am so proud to be part of this film—it approaches sexual abuse in way that we've never quite seen before. It's intimate and upsetting and beautiful
Many of the groups affected by the issues we discuss struggle to find support. Whether you're a CSA survivor, a MAP, someone who encountered illegal content, or an artist who's rights are being infringed, our Get Help page has resources for you. https://buff.ly/2UWBJOJ
A child protection organization combining an evidence-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention with its commitment to human rights and sex positivity.