"When our words, personal photos, and videos are screened for compliance with state-mandated criteria, this interferes with our rights to free speech online." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/05/uk-online-safety-bill-must-not-violate-our-rights-free-speech-and-private
“I don’t think they always understand what age verification could mean in terms of government surveillance, identity theft, and the burdens that come for an adult trying to access legal content.” https://www.ynot.com/virginia-adopts-age-verification-law/
"The lack of evidence-based education can negatively affect young women’s reproductive health." https://www.reliasmedia.com/articles/teens-benefited-from-internet-delivered-program-to-prevent-stis-and-pregnancy
The #JennaQuinn law has been passed in over 25 states and twice in the U.S. Senate, but the U.S. House of Representatives has failed to even vote on it. Tell your representatives to support this vital child protection legislation: https://prostasia.org/campaign/jenna-quinn-law/
"The proposal for a new regulation on child sexual abuse has seen a lot of criticism. As a matter of fact, the legal services of *all three* legislative institutions of the European Union, have been highly damning."
Users' rights would be infringed under a EU plan to screen all WhatsApp, iMessage and Snapchat accounts for child abuse content, according to internal legal advice warning that the measure would probably be annulled by the courts. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/08/eu-lawyers-plan-to-scan-private-messages-child-abuse-may-be-unlawful-chat-controls-regulation
"Online services will censor user content and accounts to mitigate the companies’ legal exposure. This will harm all internet users who rely on intermediaries to connect with their communities and the world at large." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/05/stop-csam-act-improved-still-problematic
"In the name of fighting crime, the EARN IT Act treats all internet users like we should be in a permanent criminal lineup, under suspicion for child abuse." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/05/dangerous-earn-it-bill-advances-out-committee-several-senators-offer-objections
"Motives for consuming animated pornography appear to have more to do with escapism and fantasy situations than interest in children. It appears unlikely that animated pornography has an effect on sexuality..."
Likely under pressure from morality group NCOSE, Amazon has instituted a new wave of anime figure bans for "promoting child sex exploitation". https://boundingintocomics.com/2023/05/08/amazon-unleashes-new-wave-of-anime-figure-bans-claims-they-promote-child-exploitation/
An anti-war painting that a court refused to censor as child exploitation has now been defaced by a protestor. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/controversial-miriam-cahn-painting-vandalized-2297547
Here's the court's ruling on the previous censorship attempt.
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Join @WoodhullFreedom at a free conversation on how censorship has impacted adult performers, how porn can be beneficial for sex education, and how it affirms sexual freedom. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/censored-pleasure-porn-free-expression-sexual-freedom-tickets-630398658357
From Japanese nonprofit NPO Uguisu Ribbon, three new author's talks from @JudithLevine, @jilliancyork, and Nadine Strossen on pornography, sex, children, and human rights. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxKRSdB09l4hVy0QgZOU217__6HJ_F4uH
The dangerous, anti-encryption #EarnItAct passed out of committee this morning. We know this bill—it's back from the dead to restrict the internet and make everyone less safe online. Thanks to 🐦SenAlexPadilla for entering a letter from 133 human rights orgs into the record
Twitter has banned @VirPedSpeaks, one of the platform's last bastions for non-offending MAPs. This is despite years of warnings from child protection experts that such bans make it harder to prevent child sexual abuse.
Read an open letter from 2018: https://prostasia.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Letter-to-Twitter-re-MAPs.pdf
@FSCArmy's Capitol Hill Fly-In is your opportunity to meet with members of Congress or their key staff to communicate how financial discrimination affects your business and the adult industry.https://action.freespeechcoalition.com/dc/
"Reporting numbers to the CyberTipline program sponsored by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), however, indicate that adult content prohibitions have little to do with image-based sexual abuse prevention." https://www.ynot.com/does-banning-adult-social-media-prevent-csam/
A child protection organization combining an evidence-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention with its commitment to human rights and sex positivity.