RT @AshleyLatke
The “children are seeing porn online!” crisis manufacturing is all actually about accessing non-graphic LGBTQ material or education, which is why those campaigners don’t tell parents about simple “whitelist” tools that already solve the actual porn problem
Ppl are sleeping on it https://twitter.com/EclecticRadical/status/1611067370143125504
RT @ericasmithsexed
One of the worst pieces of 2022 discourse (to plague my profession anyway) is that providing young people with education about bodies, consent, and sexuality is “gr@@ming.” It’s such a shitty accusation. It’s such a low blow. And the opposite is true.
Abusers are drawn to positions of power over the vulnerable, hence why you can commonly find them as clergy members, scout leaders, or, as in this case, cops https://buff.ly/3VfSWQj
"So whether you enjoy fantasy to help in overcoming trauma or as an outlet for your sexuality, do so with the peace of mind knowing what you’re enjoying is a harmless human instinct. And you aren’t alone." https://buff.ly/3GRBsoo
"In a fictional space we are free to explore and express even our most stigmatized feelings of attraction, romance, and arousal. All without the anxiety that we might be putting ourselves or anyone else in harm’s way." https://buff.ly/3GRBsoo
RT @SabraMBoyd
For #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay let's build awareness for how abortion access is a trafficking issue. I was trafficked in states as a child that now have abortion bans without exceptions for children. I could have been forced into labor as a 9 yr old. I really hate this country
RT @The_Ace_Couple
I NEED you to know that the most banned book in the U.S. was written by an asexual, nonbinary author and bigots are calling it grooming and pornography. https://twitter.com/NPR/status/1611106517612171264
RT @WoodhullFreedom
"Banning books such as Gender Queer is not only a restriction of the freedom of expression, but also a harmful message to youth everywhere..."
A high school junior wrote this succinct and powerful letter to the editor about the real harm of book bans.
RT @horse_disk
CORRECTION: Ao3 is blocked from being DISPLAYED ON GOOGLE, but is still accessible via direct links! The site itself is still up—it just doesn't appear in Google searches. This is still a deeply worrying development, but at least German users won't need a VPN to access the site! https://twitter.com/horse_disk/status/1611829224024993792
A recent tweet of ours in support of the trans community was mischaracterized and has been deleted to avoid confusion. Prostasia stands behind trans people in their fight for equal rights and has lobbied against transphobic laws in several states. https://prostasia.org/anti-trans-laws/
"So, this law may claim it’s for the children, but it’s all about steering people away from content certain legislators don’t like." https://buff.ly/3jTfAQC
RT @SabraMBoyd
For #HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth let’s build awareness for how most funding goes to police and border patrol — not housing, healthcare, trained therapists, education, immigration and legal fees that trafficking survivors actually need
RT @echo_pbreyer
@Anwaltverein 🇬🇧 "The end does not justify the means." The German Bar Association strongly rejects the EU draft regulation on #chatcontrol. It is "not a legitimate means of fighting crime", "unsuitable for practical use" and entails "considerable security risks": https://anwaltverein.de/de/newsroom/pm-45-22-chatkontrolle-der-zweck-heiligt-nicht-die-mittel
"Something seen within nearly every human culture across human history is the expression of our taboo sexual fantasies through fiction, art and music." https://buff.ly/3GRBsoo
When a fiction archivist was arrested and sentenced to 40 years imprisonment last year, the censorship of fan fiction was always going to come next. Don't say we didn't warn you.
RT @horse_disk
Ao3 has been blocked in Germany. We're in moral panic hell 🙃!
Ao3 was allegedly indexed by Bundesprüfstelle (an organization "responsible for examining and censoring media works suspected to be harmful to young people") for distribution of "…
RT @acvalens
This pseudoscience is literally the basis behind Oklahoma’s new anti-trans bill https://twitter.com/tara_chara/status/1611175669853192193
RT @WoodhullFreedom
There is a lot of work to be done in 2023 to ensure that LGBTQ+ people and their families are protected. This is an extensive round-up from @mombian.
RT @MooreCenter_JHU
"Until our nation puts serious resources into the development, evaluation and dissemination of prevention efforts, we will stay trapped in a cycle of abuse, outrage and disbelief," @MooreCenter_JHU's @eletourn says in today's @washingtonpost: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/11/21/we-need-prevent-child-sex-abuse-not-just-respond-it/
RT @FreeRangeKids
Going to Family Court? Worried CPS could TAKE YOUR KIDS? The Supreme Court ruled you have no constitutional right to counsel, because you are not at risk of losing your liberty by going to jail.
No lawyer for you! Say goodbye to your kids!
A child protection organization combining an evidence-based approach to child sexual abuse prevention with its commitment to human rights and sex positivity.