As of today I am officially an Advisory Committee Representative at the W3C. My new company has also joined a member of the W3C, exciting!
Hnedy zachodovy papier nesplachujes, ale hadzes do odpadkoveho kosa.
7 hodin rano a vsetky lehatka obsadene uterakmi. Hned vedla cedule "Neobsadzujte lehatka uterakmi".
Ludia sa tam casto objavia az poobede.
32 stupnov, teplo na chcipnutie!
…aha, to je v hotelovej izbe, vonku je 40.
@fuxoft as hero of great podcast episode
Moc všem děkuji za gratulace a ano, je to tak.
Jak jsem psal už dříve, byl jsem zvolen do jedné pracovní skupiny @esa, která má pod palcem výzkum Sluneční soustavy.
Co přesně to obnáší? To vysvětluji v rozhovoru pro @iROZHLAScz níže 👇
Remember people, being politicially incorrect is good for your health with all of the following benefits:
* No constant stress about what you say
* All of the most toxic and judgemental people will hate you enough to not be around you.
* The people who want to be around you will be fun, good, non-toxic people
* You dont have to deal with constant drama over nonsense
* You live a live of quality, not quantity.
What I think every time someone tells me they wont use school math in the real world....
Anonymous alter-ego of Unix addicted, sci-fi loving, amateur photographer.
In reality, I pay my mortgage by providing IT architecture service to some corporation.