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呜呜呜!本站终于重新上线了!迁移到新机器操作错了两部步,工作和学习又忙,花了两天才 debug 出来。

😭看到的嘟友记得点个赞,让我知道本站还和 federated network 连接着。

Pleroma 使用 的权宜之计 

现在 pleroma 帐号还是关注不上 的群组号,原因似乎是 [1] 中 umonaca 提到的 http 头的问题。刚刚测试了一下,这个问题可以通过使用 nginx 来手动设置 http 头来解决: 首先,打开 pleroma 的 nginx 配置文件(按官方教程安装的是 /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pleroma.conf); 文件里有一段类似这样的内容:

location / { proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_set_header Host $http_host; ...... }


location / { ...... } location / { ...... }

将其中一个 location 行修改:

location / { ...... } location ~ inbox$ { ...... }

在“location ~ inbox$ {”对应的那一块的里找到 proxy_pass_request_headers on; 这一行,在这行下面插入:

proxy_set_header Accept "application/activity+json";


location / { ...... } location ~ inbox$ { ...... proxy_pass_request_headers on; proxy_set_header Accept "application/activity+json"; ...... }

保存退出,用 sudo nginx -s reload 或者 sudo systemctl restart nginx 重新加载配置。这个时候应该就可以正常关注 帐号了。

(但是不知道会不会有什么副作用。 :blobcatnotlikethis: ) (不知道什么时候 会把 header 改过来。) (还有顺便安利一下 QOTO 推出了群组服务器 ,和 差不多,但是需要手动创建群组,创建人可以编辑群组的简介并对关注者正常进行 block 等操作,也可以像正常帐号一样上锁来手动批准关注。)

个人博客好久没更新了,今天心血来潮想着拾掇拾掇,使用的是 Hexo 的静态博客,倒腾了一会儿放弃了,啥都挺好,就是神烦 Node.js



对于 Dan Halbert 而言,他的“第谷之路”始于大学时代——当 Lissa Lenz 向他借用计算机的时候。她的计算机发生了故障,并且除非她能够借到另一台计算机,她将肯定不能完成中期项目。她不敢向其他任何人求助,除了 Dan。

这将 Dan 置于两难境地,他有责任帮助她——但如果将自己的计算机借给她,她将有机会阅读他的书籍。抛开如果您允许其他人阅读您的书籍,您将被处以很多年监禁这一事实,这种想法首先使他感到震惊。与其他任何人一样,他从小学开始就被这样教育:分享书本是龌龊并且非法的——只有盗版者才会去做这些坏事。

并且,他不被 SPA ——软件保护权力机构——抓住的机会并不大,在他的计算机软件课上,Dan 知道了每本书都带有一个版权监视器,它将会将此书于何时何地被何人阅读的信息上报给中央授权许可机构(该机构对这些信息的利用不仅仅是为了抓住阅读盗版者,也会将个人阅读兴趣偏好出卖给图书零售商)。当他的计算机下一次联网时,中央授权许可机构将会发现这一切。他作为计算机拥有者将会受到最严厉的处罚——由于他未能尽力阻止这种犯罪。

当然,也许 Lissa 本意上并不一定是要阅读他的书籍,她有可能只是想借用计算机来编写她的中期汇报。但是,Dan 知道她来自于中产阶级家庭,并且很难负担得起学费,遑论她的各种阅读费用。阅读他的书籍可能是使她能够顺利毕业的唯一出路。他理解这种情形;他自己也必须借钱以支持其所需的科研论文阅读费用(这些费用的 10% 将会被付给撰写了这些论文的科研人员;由于 Dan 致力于他的学术事业,他可以指望自己的科研论文被频繁引用,这样他就可以赚到足够的钱来支付这笔阅读费用)。

其后,Dan 将会了解到,以前曾经有一段时间,任何人都可以去图书馆阅读期刊文章甚至是图书而无需支付任何费用。那时也有独立的学者,他们可以阅读数千页的文献而无需得到政府图书馆的批准。但是,在 20 世纪 90 年代,商业性和非盈利性的期刊出版者都开始征收访问费用。直到 2047 年,提供对学术文献的免费公开访问的图书馆已经成为一种灰暗的记忆。

当然,也有一些方式可用于绕过软件保护权力机构(SPA)和中央授权许可机构的审查。它们本身是非法的。Dan 曾经有一位计算机软件专业的同学,Frank Martucci,此人得到了一种非法的调试工具,并且将其应用于在阅读时绕过版权监视器的代码。但是,他将此事告知了太多的朋友,其中之一将他告发至 SPA 以获取一份奖赏(债台高筑的学生很容易被利诱叛变)。2047 年,Frank 被捕入狱,并非由于盗版阅读,而是由于非法拥有一份调试工具。

其后,Dan 将会知道曾经有一段时间,任何人都被允许拥有调试工具,那时甚至有可以从光盘(CD)获得或者从网络上下载得到的自由调试工具。但是,随着普通用户将其用于绕过版权监视器,最终一位法官裁决非法目的成为了调试工具在实际中的主要用途。这意味着它们是非法的,调试工具的开发者都被捕入狱。


Sorry I went to bed right before you sent this reply.

NO it isnt there yet, it will have its own repo and right now the repo only exists locally and privately since I need to add some licensing stuff and make sure all the contributors are recognized. With that said i will be making the server public very shortly (today) since I need to do that now that the server is live.

I will be posting the link to the repo when its up so just follow my timeline and I’ll have it for you shortly. Its effectively a modified version of v3.2.1 of QOTO with significant edits to make it work as a group server, the following are the notable edits:

  • All users have actor_type group instead of person/service/application

  • Users can not follow other users at all and as such the home timeline is removed

  • Accounts behave as per the standard approach to groups, that is, when someone posts a message and tags the group then the group will automatically reboost that post.

The above points are the part that are no different than guppy, the following aspects are where it differs.

  • Unlike with guppy a group isnt automatically created the first time someone tags it. Groups are only created if someone explicitly creates it by registering on the server.

  • Group owners when logged into the group have all the usual moderation tools an individual account would have that has the following consequences:

  • A group can be made follow only, in which case it will be a private group and the owner must approve requests to join the group

  • a group can silence or suspend servers and people, this allows a public/open group to moderate bad actors (spammers for example). It also allows the owner to let people into a private group but not necessarily allow them to post (with a silence)



ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf scale=120:-1,eq=contrast=10 -sws_flags neighbor -pix_fmt monob -f rawvideo result.tar.gz




10分钟(一次性邮箱)temp mail

種子本身可不複雜,現在複雜的是找到一個 pt 站的邀請碼。這個嚴重超綱的...((

所有app都应该像ins最近一样 可以改回任意历史图标.....

说的就是你 Google

QOTO New Features Guide

Since we have so many new significant features deployed as of last night I wanted to take a minute and give a brief explanation of the features and how to use them, as well as how we expect them to evolve over the next few weeks as I continue to work on them.

The following is a brief summary of most of the new features added:

  • Groups Rendering - Accounts which represent groups (such as those from Guppe) are now tagged with a group badge and are specially rendered so the messages relayed by a group appear to be originating from the user.

  • Group Directory - Groups are federated in the group directory which, like the federated timeline, will list all groups followed by anyone on our server.

  • Markdown Posts - You now have the option to select markdown formatting when posting.

  • Circles - You can now create circles with followers in it. When you make a post you can select one or more circles to privately post to and only users of those circles can see your post.

  • Colored follow button - The follow button seen in the feed and in profiles (the one that can be optionally turned off in settings) will now be colored to indicate follower status. Gray if not followed, yellow if followed, blue if following, green if mutual follow

  • Read/unread notifications - Unread notifications now have a subtle blue indicator. There is also a “mark all as red” button added.

  • User Post Notification - Users now have a bell next to their name where the follow button is. This will send you a notification every time they makes a new post.

  • Rich-text rendering - We now render rich-text from other servers, so servers which post in a formatting that includes things like bolding, quotes, headers, italics, underlines, etc, will render in the statuses.

  • Rich-text Stripping - The user option to partially or fully turn off the rendering of rich-text.

  • Registration Captcha - A captcha is now required to signup for a new account, reducing spam.

  • Local-only toot default - You can now optionally set all toots to be local-only and prevent all your posts from federating outside of the local server. Without this setting you can still select local-only on a per-toot basis.

  • Quote feature turn-off - As introduced earlier you can quote a toot rather than just reboost it. This is an additional button on every toot. This can now be turned off in your settings and removes the button.

  • Bookmark feature turn-off - As with the quote feature we could previously bookmark posts. You can now turn off the bookmark button.

  • Follow button turn-off - As mentioned earlier our added feature allowing you to add a follow button, optionally colored, into the feed can now be turned off.

  • Subscribe button turn-off - As before the subscribe feature that lets you watch a users public toots without following them can now be optionally turned off.

  • Favorite Domains - Our last release allowed us to add remote timeline as a feature where you could pull up the local timeline of a remote instance as its own column. Now you can also add domains to a favorite domain list which makes it easier to access and bring up the timelines by listing them directly in the navigation panel.

  • Favorite Tags - Similar to favorite domains this allows you to create a list of your favorite tags and have them easily accessible in the navigation panel.



The engine used to render the markdown is called Kramdown. It supports standard markdown, of course, but it also supports some special formatting. You can view some of its formatting rules here:

Keep in mind that while many other fediverse serves will view the rich text not all servers can or will and the formatting will be converted into html in a best-effort to remain compatible. For examples vanilla Mastodon instances reject all special formatting, but links from markdown should still be correctly rendered, but bold and other formatting will be filtered out on Mastodon. Pleorma and other software which allows rich-text should properly render the markdown.


Right now all of the support on QOTO around groups is centered around the group directories and rendering groups. You can not create a group on the QOTO server itself, but you can follow and share to groups and have a better experience. As it stands right now groups on the diverse are unmoderated and open. Anyone can join a group and participate, which are open groups. The directory basically lists any groups known to the QOTO server, so if anyone follows a group on the server that group will show in the group directory.

With that said we will be releasing shortly a specially coded QOTO group server. It will behave similar to the way behaves in the sense that group is still an account that relays posts to that group by mentioning the group account. However it will allow for managed groups where the group is owned by an individual and thus a person can block people from the group. That should be up very shortly so keep an eye out for that announcement. It should allow QOTO to participate in moderated groups as is.




跳楼不敢打出来,要打成tl;毒大概也很敏感,只能打成D;甚至连大家都爱的「钱」也不敢谈,经常看到它被打成「前」或者 Q……中文已经被糟蹋的不像样了。

I have brought up an RSS-to-ActivityPub server. It can convert any RSS feed into a ActivityPub actor, so that one can follow them from Mastodon, Misskey or other ActivityPub compatible platforms to receive updates of the feed.
It's still under development so please do not abuse.

I have modified the code so that it should be compatible with latest version of Mastodon, Pleroma and Misskey.

Feel free to report any issues on GitHub:




del inline code image

blockquote …

code  x=y
pre with 4 spaces  pre with 4 spaces

  1. ol list 1
  2. ol list 2
  3. ol list 3

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進捗はどうですか❓'s choices:

Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.