The Eastern coast of Taiwan is prone to big as this map from Tang and collaborators shows. Main shallow crustal active faults are the Central Range Fault (W-dipping, earthquakes and ruptured zones in red and orange) and the Longitudinal Valley Fault (E-dipping, in blue) 5/n

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Two magnitude 6+ event happened in 2018 and 2019 in the very same region than the 3 Februaryb 2024 Mw7.4. The 2018 Mw6.4 had a complex (strike-slip + reverse, several fault segments) shallow crustal rupture.

See: and

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This E-W section at Hualien latitude only shows a 2D view of the complex 3D structure. If the ~20-40km hypocentral depth of the Mw7.4 is true*, it's difficult to figure out which fault ruptured. Could be one not reaching upper crustal levels. Just hypotheses.

Section from Lallemand 2014,

* Saying "If the ~20-40km depth of the rupture is true" is a big IF as the Taiwan seismic center puts epicenter of the main shock at 15km only. Needs further studies.

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Source region of Mw7.4 of 6 Feb. has a complicated 3D lithospheric structure: interaction between the Ryuku subduction and accretionary wedge, the accreted Luzon arc (now forming the coastal range), the Philippines plate, and the Taiwan orogenic prism (central range and foothills).

I love this week's cover of , with the famous north faces of the Tre Cime di Lavaredo ⛰️ in the Italian .

Related perspective article about "the dolomite problem":

This animated GIF 👇🏽 summarizes the main results and figures of Habel et al's article "Upper-plate Shortening and Mountain-building in the Context of Mantle-driven Oceanic Subduction 🏔️


Keynote GIF:


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In our new paper, Habel et al. 2023, we use analogue models to discuss the effect of mantle flow on upper-plate shortening, and building in Andean margin context. The paradigmatic type being the in front of the Nazca-South America plate boundary.

Proud and happy that it is published in TEKTONIKA DOAJ (@wearetektonika )


Storm 🌀 Ciarán approaching Brittany at nightfall 👇. Three departments in western France are on red alert, large part of the country in orange. Extreme winds 💨 forecasted.

Be cautious, stay safe ❤️ !

Reminder: the seminal article about the source of the 464BC is this one:

Armijo et al. "A possible normal-fault rupture for the 464BC Sparta earthquake", Nature, 1991,

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Today's reading 👇, some historical papers, with the idea to enrich our teaching in the field next year about the Sparta 464BC

The Nobel Prize season starts pretty well:
1 ♀️
1 ♂️
hope this will continue.
Congrats to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman !

A new paper by IPGP and OVPF researchers A. Lavayssière and L. Retailleau:

Capturing ’s deep plumbing system and its spatiotemporal evolution with -

With a beautiful evaluation of location uncertainties

L'Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris a eu 100 ans en 2021.

Un livre, paru la semaine dernière raconte son histoire et illustre quelques avancées scientifiques majeures.

Today, digging through archives, I found few old papers by Maurice Mattauer – my PhD supervizor looooooong time ago – Paul Tapponnier – with whom I worked for many years here at IPGP – François Proust – One of my teachers when I was an undergraduate – and Jean-Pierre Petit.

I extracted some figures for my blog.

They are about the High Atlas mountains and Tizi n'Test Fault, site of the Morocco 8 Sept and of the ensuing that claimed thousands of lives.

Have a look to my blog post:

For those who don't already know, I intermittently maintain a blog called:
“The Beauty of Tectonics – The art of geological sections & other tectonic sketches and amazing maps”

It's here:


destructeur au Maroc. Magnitude Mw6.9, epicentre à ~70km au sud-ouest de Marrakesh.

Le mécanisme (tenseur de moment) implique une rupture sur une faille chevauchante liée à la tectonique du Haut Atlas.

Pensées pour les victimes, et courage ♥️

We are in September and France is sweating under a strong repeatedly breaking monthly record at many places.

T°max last 24h, only values ≥34°C indicated.

Map source InfoClimat:

Meanwhile, the first page of Le Monde reference journal 👇🏼

"Climate, the summer of global shift"

First time an alert is issued in September by @meteofrance.
Area includes Paris conurbation and the entire Île de France. Forecast T° max 35-37°C, and tropical nights (>20°C).

We are in climate emergency.

Exceptional sat. image (Terra/MODIS) of the low-pressure area (cut-off low) off coast of Portugal. It carries Saharan dust across the Mediterranean and generates a record-breaking in the west and center of France. Dusty skies covers NE Spain and SW France.

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