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I was just talking with my kiddo about red/green color blindness. I was about to say it means someone who can't tell the new green political ideas apart from red communist ideas.

But I'm not sure how many could draw a clear line to differentiate those ideas.

Seems like it's really more about removing parental rights and giving them to the state alone. All your kids are belong to us.

Today "Sixteen-year-olds need a parent OR a judge to sign off on the union... Under Hansen’s proposed bill, marriage would be banned for anyone 15 years or younger. Sixteen- and 17-year-olds would need the approval of a judge.

Hansen says that is because he has heard parents of 16-year-olds are the ones signing off on marriage and it has looked suspicious to some county clerks."


So I know the republican president right now is uncouth on social media, but at the same time: "House Democrats Block Bill to Stop Infanticide For 24th Time"

Poll: 79 Percent of New York Residents Oppose the State's Radical Abortion Bill

For a group that calls themselves democrats, try certainly seem to like creating new laws that are not wanted by the majority.

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

"Alec Baldwin, Amy Schumer, Rosie O’Donnell, Sean Penn and Others Will Boycott Georgia If It Bans Abortion"

Their absence would make Georgia more appealing.

(I know, it's more about these wealthy - in this case white - capitalists on the left bullying with their wealth to ensure minorities and the poor are still targeted for the elimination of their children.)

"AI can predict when someone will die with unsettling accuracy"

What effect will this have on life insurance, health insurance and employability?

It's easy to conclude media bias with so many reports that the Green New Deal just "didn't get enough votes in the senate".

As if it was close.

It got zero. Zero.

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

When the vote on the resolution was called, it failed to pass by a vote of 0 to 57 with all Republican and four Democratic senators voting no.

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"No senator voted to begin debate on the legislation...

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, called the Green New Deal "ridiculous" and displayed pictures of dinosaurs, cartoon characters and babies on the Senate floor. He said he was treating the plan "with the seriousness it deserves.""


"Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., said Democrats were being hypocritical by refusing to vote for their own plan. "I've never seen a bill sponsored by a dozen people who don't want to vote on it," he said."

SecondJon boosted
the fediverse reminds me a lot of how things used to be in the '90s a.k.a. the golden age of computing

back when we all had our own dorky fuckin websites on tripod or angelfire or geocities, all unique, all human

back before the internet was taken over by soulless monolithic corporations bent on forcing spy cameras into their users' every orifice

back before advertisers had built themselves a surveillance empire to dwarf the NSA's

back when we were all genuine and sincere and *ourselves.* even if we were total fuckin dorks

all of a sudden these little grassroots social spaces are popping up, with unique and quirky domains, full of people who aren't such cowards that they spend their lives hiding behind a curtain of ironic detachment. it's like the experimental chaos of the '90s but tempered by experience and improved by new technology

there's a reason IRC and pleroma are the only ways i actually *like* interacting with ppl online
SecondJon boosted
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