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I will be taking a small paycut, which I haven't chosen to do before. But I'm apparently good at what I do and I'm eager to have every hour of my work contribute directly to saving lives and the other good that this organization does.

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I'm meeting soon with someone who is in a very high leadership role of the company and I'll share my concern but I've seen issues and concerns shared for years with nothing done about problems. I hope my insights don't fall off deaf ears... But hope is not a strategy. That's what prompted me to look and notice the job I'm headed to. There's no evidence that the self inflicted wounds around the company are going to change, there's only my hope that they will.

And hope is not a strategy.

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I really like the company that I'm leaving and I've played a really important role here. I love the people and what I've done and the team I've helped build.

I gave several weeks' notice because I wanted to give them time to act. They haven't. They haven't contracted a back fill. They haven't worked out a transition plan. They've posted two or three positions to replace my role, but those will likely take months to fill.

I'm a lead and I'm concerned their inaction will cause my whole team to leave.

I'm beginning to think they actually literally don't understand the importance of their IT people. It's not a tech company, but a manufacturing company and this could mean real trouble for them really soon.

I've done and am doing everything possible to make this as smooth as possible. I know their inaction is not my responsibility, but it's concerning because I do care about my team and all of these people across the company I've worked with and taken care of in my way for nearly a decade.

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After several years here, I'm leaving my secure well paid job at a large company for a job at a non profit organization I've been a financial supporter of for many years. It seems like a really great match of my personal values and my professional skills in software architecture.

This change started because of reasons to leave my current role, which is how I learned of the new job. It's now because I am compelled to take the new role as it looks like an ideal match. That doesn't change that there's real pain points at the company I'm leaving...

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

No. No I don't think Dostoyevski just wrote something new. Just a feeling I have.

Having returned to last night, I understand why people are leaving for free states. Gas prices jumped 50¢ /gallon at the state line, nonsensical mask mandates are back.

SecondJon boosted

Shame how the media missed all the important details about and instead seemed to only care about the fact that he took a picture with a racist once...


Rittenhouse, USpol, questions 

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

NEW - New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, when asked by a reporter if she was creating two classes of people, with the vaccinated receiving special privileges, confirmed, "That is what it is, yep".

7 months after breaking my leg I completed my first full marathon.

This. Was. Difficult. And worth it.

Do hard things.

SecondJon boosted
SecondJon boosted

This is the single bravest thing I have seen in years. God bless these Pilots. The heroes we need right now


SecondJon boosted
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