Per chi fosse interessato è uscito l'ultimo numero della rivista Gli Asini, dedicato quasi interamente a #Scuola, #Lavoro e #tecnologia (si parla di #EdTech, #SoftwareLibero, #CapitalismoDellaSorveglianza, ma anche di criptomenate, #NTF etc...)
Leggibile in #OpenAccess
La scuola al mercato dei dati.
Così il controllo della didattica rafforza lo strapotere delle multinazionali #tech, #Google e #Microsoft in testa.
Da leggere l'inchiesta di Stefano Zoja per #Altreconomia
con dati inediti del #MUR sulle piattaforme di #sorveglianza nella scuola.
#AI demystified: a decompiler
To prove that any "artificial neural network" is just a statistically programmed (virtual) machine whose model software is a derivative work of the source dataset used during its "training", we provide a small suite of tools to assemble and program such machines and a decompiler that reconstruct the source dataset from the cryptic matrices that constitute the software executed by them.
Finally we test the suite on the classic #MNIST dataset and compare the decompiled dataset with the original one.
"What have I learnt?" asks Niklaus #Wirth.
"#Programs must not be regarded as #code for #computers, but as #literature for #humans"
I hope that one day people will really understand and embrace Wirth's legacy.
We will have a better cybernetic world then.
Ok, the article is just a bit superficial, but the cover image is basically me every damn day of my life.,-noble-and-brave.html
La slide del mio intervento di domani per la Conferenza #AIUCD2021 titolato "La lotta informatica per la Democrazia cibernetica".
#cloud #copyright #FreeSoftware #FreeSpeech #DRM #Informatics #Coding #ComputationalThinking #Marketing #OpenSource #FOSS
First run of #Jehanne Operating System since the spread of #COVID__19 in Piedmont, #Italy.
Cleaning up the #GCC port.
Brand new #SmartPhone models from my daughters' #hacklab. They built the safest system money can't buy, the only one a child should be allowed to use.
And note the App selection for their operating system: they didn't ask for any suggestions!
The most important program in my whole career.
Thanks to #WSL people can run #Linux tools on #Windows.
Think about it....
... a little more...
Let me give an hint: people can install an X server too (separately, either ##Xming or #Cygwin).
Nothing yet?
Ok, last tip: you can install #xpdf from #Debian #GNU / Linux.
You can teach people how to read #DRM protected #PDF on #Microsoft Windows.
But that's not the most interesting lesson you can teach them.
Through this DRM violation you can show them how fragile is #Capitalism. 😉
And it's even more general: there are always ways to subvert an oppressive system, usually provided by the oppressors themselves.
A great #hacker used to say: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." 👼