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Sphinx :verified: boosted

New Version of QOTO Released

The latest version of QOTO is now live on our server. There are a few minor bugs noticed when we deployed it that will be worked on over the next day, but otherwise everything should be up.

Here is a quick breakdown of some of the new features:

  • Groups support for federated groups. QOTO will display a group batch on group accounts and properly render the relayed messaged. We also added a group directory showing any groups any of our users follow. We will be bringing up a seperate server soon as well dedicated to groups and allow for user moderated groups as well.

  • Markdown support for toots.

  • Circles allows you to add people to a circle and then when you make a post you can share specifically to one or more circles and only they can see your posts.

  • Captcha Required when registering a new account, should help us eliminate some bots.

  • Rich-text rendering. Rich text from servers that provide formatted messages will now be rendered with the formatting (bold, underline, coloring, etc).

  • Rich-text filtering a new setting introduced to allow users to partially or fully suppress rich-text formatting.

  • Colored follow button The follow button can now optionally be colored from the settings to provide additional information (gray if not followed, yellow if followed, blue if following, green if mutual follow)

NOTE: This was a pretty big change, so there will likely be a few bugs we flush out over the next few days. Everything seems to be working for the most part but there is one bug in streaming we identified after release. The consequence seems to be that when you make a post you wont see your own post in the local timeline until you refresh the page. It appears the streaming of other peoples posts is still working. I’ll be looking into the bugs and fixing them over the next day. If anyone runs into any bugs or issues please let @freemo know and he will address it right away.


Create a while loop with a condition that checks if the currentCard does not have that value 'spade'.

while ( currentCard != 'spade')

use != to shows don't have that value.

Sphinx :verified: boosted

time to go to work out.
see you soon!

how do you know if a user is posting from twitter,?
there is not any reply or communication below their post.(most of the post)

Sphinx :verified: boosted
Sphinx :verified: boosted

This looks like an awesome train ride: the Amtrak Adirondak

Though there'd probably be a chance to lose my water bottle on a bus to get there, too. :-D

(Already done that. That's why train. Already lost one on a plane too.)

Sphinx :verified: boosted

:doot:โ€‹ Halloween Season! :doot2:โ€‹
๐Ÿ’€ ๐ŸŽƒ ๐Ÿ‘ป :_witchhat:โ€‹ ๐Ÿฌ ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ ๐ŸŒŒ ๐Ÿฎ

Sphinx :verified: boosted

Our secondary services (not the social media part im posting on here) will be going down temporarily as we move to a new infrastructure. As each service comes back up the community will be notified from this account.

Thanks for your patience, this is a big move for us but everything has been backed up and will be back shortly.

Let perseverance be your engine and hope your fuel.

after install pop!_OS couple days,
step by step figure out. right now is try to turn on the hibernate.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.