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Sphinx :verified: boosted
Sphinx :verified: boosted
Sphinx :verified: boosted

@Sphinx Pretty sunny over here. Going to be a nice day.

Good morning world

Still dark outside, anybody there?🦌

Feel safer here than twitter. Don't know why.

Sphinx :verified: boosted

Today was a good day.

Tomorrow, we will have another.

Sphinx :verified: boosted

Just want to say, thank you for this instance ✨. I found new experiences in here, like markdown mode, circles, and group directory.



Windows PowerShell scripts use .ps1 for a file extension. PowerShell is fully integrated with Windows operating system and is often used to automate management and administrative tasks.

Sphinx :verified: boosted
Sphinx :verified: boosted

Every time I have to use a browser without uBlock Origin installed, I lose a little faith in humanity. How can anyone even browse the web like that?!

Good morning everyone

Happy Wednesday 🦌

Sphinx :verified: boosted
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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.