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"For people who live near precincts, their most frequent interaction with the police will be observing them breaking the law, forcing them to walk in the street."

#parking #NYPD #newyork

Hello, @nytimes @washingtonpost: When there's a mass shooting, you don't have to quote Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Paul Rand saying that they're praying for the victims. Those quotes add nothing at all to the news

You can simply note that Republican lawmakers offered no new comments or actions in response to [whatever number] mass shooting in the US this year

@caseynewton It continues to amaze me that so many are clinging to a Twitter, as though it's going to get better. 1) it's not. 2) even if it did, the primary beneficiary would be a reactionary gremlin who is already the wealthiest man in the world.

Next season is Welcome to Wrexham is gonna be so much fun

Ezra Klein is probably my favorite commentator. I can't say enough about how impressed I am with the way he digs into topics.

Here, he's got the best take I've heard so far on the AI moment we're in.

[Hard Fork] A.I. Vibe Check With Ezra Klein + Kevin Tries Phone Positivity

@popcornreel Wouldn't be the first time I've seen foolish Dems

This is textbook fascism where problems are being blamed on a marginalized and powerless minority.

As other previously targeted minorities have become politically necessary to appease, right wingers have found a demographic small enough to abuse without election consequence risk

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Donald Trump's criminality unleashed a bitter new phase of American politics.

The Global Entry program is a disaster. The length of time and lack of availability of interviews is absurd.

@futurebird @funkula the folksy ignorance of some of these people is part of their appeal to their constituencies

@caseynewton the post seems maybe a bit technically in the weeds (I'm guessing it's a specific type of testing framework for smart contract devs), but I don't know about insane

In all the writing on the mental health crisis, one thing I don't see well represented are the voices of actual teenagers. How do they describe what they're experiencing and what bugs them?

After 4 kids, I've come to believe that kids want to sleep at night, through the whole night. They don't hate their parents and want to wake us up. Our job is to try to understand what's standing in the way of a good night's sleep.

That's the right mindset, but unfortunately, there's no easy way to figure out the answer.

@freemo What parts of the gun laws do you not support? I have no interest in owning a gun, so I don't know what our gun laws actually are.

Agreed on the property tax, for sure. To some extent, it's "pick your poison" in terms of tax types, but we're in the top 10 in terms of overall tax burden.

People not from Jersey have this impression that it sucks, and people from Jersey love it.

I think it's bc the points of interest in the state are very diffuse. It doesn't have a stand-out center of cultural gravity for the mind to latch on to.

But what it does have is easy access to damn near everything people like.

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