@bitprophet Post #rustlang read #rust and #rustlang. This is the way.
@kickingvegas what is this “mouse” you speak of?
@llywrch @BruceMirken @carnage4life My charitable, coarse and imprecise guess is 20% preparation, 50% luck and privilege. 30% ability to lie. Being "smart" as a contribution to success is usually a rounding error.
@freemo More walking, less corn syrup laden food, or some combination thereof?
My third session trying out #meow....
My strategy with trying meow is the same as #emacs when I switched from #vim in 2015. I'm noodling around with it on a branch of my dotfiles repo. Basically I give myself low pressure editting tasks to see if I'm really ready to roll with the new setup. When I'm comfortable with that, I'll try it for work tasks. My current task is editing my init.el file (using meow bindings) to convert it to #meow. I was able to remove all the evil config successfully but it is incredibly awkward atm. Other than not really getting meow bindings, the other stumbling points are kind of surprising since so much of this is very automatic after many decades:
1. Window (in the emacs sense) management. I relied on C-w commands provided by evil. I've been able to replace these with various other commands under the C-w binding, mostly leveraging the built-in winmove.
2. Undo and redo. Although meow has an undo, there's no redo binding. I don't like the emacs bindings, so I decided to go more mainstream on this one and use C-z and S-C-z for undo and redo respectively. I've never used C-z to suspend emacs, so it doesn't seem like a huge loss.
3. Saving files. I used evil commands for these. The emacs bindings are ok, so I'm training myself to use C-x C-s. I'm already used to C-x C-c so this seems consistent.
4. Searching and replacing in current buffer. I really liked / and the :s///gc vim commands. C-s is a poor substitute so far. Still working on this.
Surprisingly, other than text editing, things are going well. I'm able to use 90% of emacs without issue. I still don't grok meow bindings yet, so next is getting up to speed on actually editing.
@TruthSandwich Haha, what's a "concern trolling sock" anyway? What a small and petty little person...
@bonifartius what did he do now?
@freemo Clearly Deep Flock propaganda.
Shows how much I know about history, it's actually what an article I was reading called the "other norman conquest", in the 14c of ireland, not the actual norman conquest.
Still ancient history, point still stands.
It has lost it's original meaning, and is now a colloquial phrase meaning "outside the limits of acceptable behavior or judgment."
The Norman conquest is ancient history now, if someone is offended I suspect they are just too easily offended or simply trolling.
@nil tl;dr tempest in a teapot
@srijan Apologies, I took a quick look at your github, thought I saw helm in your init.
Are you sure you are measuring scrolling? I tried profiling and got similar report as yours, but I realized I didn't spend much time scrolling compared to time in the minibuffer to run M-x profiler-stop. When I scrolled for a longer time, it looked completely different. However I'm not seeing any scrolling slowness. (I'm also using vertico/orderless).
Probably better practice would be to bind a key to profile-stop, but I didn't try it since I'm not seeing the issue you are seeing.
@srijan Sounds like poor interaction between packages. I suspect it's with helm but that's probably just my personal bias against big complicated packages 🤷
Old software developer. C++ developer by day, Rust for fun. Linux guy. Hacking on the intersection of #computervision and #neuroscience in my spare time. Fan of #SpaceX, but Elon, not so much.
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