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Yeah I don't know what those supposed issues are with git submodules, so I can't say. But there are notable differences w/respect to git submodules. One is that the repo population happens at build time instead of repo checkout or update time. And also it's easy to make repos conditional on cmake variables. In addition if for whatever a subtree of your project isn't built (e.g. some optional part), the fetchcontent repos defined in that subtree are not fetched. Also the SHAs or branch names are not hidden away, but are in the same files you use to configure your build (or separate, your choice).

Hexnut boosted personally I haven’t had issues with them. But I will say after having used cmake fetchcontent for awhile that pulling in dependencies with a build system is much more flexible and easier to use.

@freemo @kryptec @unabomber

"Huh? Nothing in this post or the thread is related to his recent career other than one or two minor comments when addressing people claiming he changed."

Sorry I most have gotten confused by the use of the present tense here, this is when the thread became about the present:

"And yes, I too care a lot more about the fact that he is still currently a raging racist, than the fact that he used to be a raging racist."

I'm not going to pick apart your justification of your subjective interpretation of Biden's hiring and his speech patterns. You clearly have made up your mind. I will admit that you made me laugh. Your interpretation is kind of unique, I've never heard anyone claim that someone hiring a majority of minorities must mean he is racist.

But this one really takes the cake:
"He thinks of himself as superior to blacks… clearly if they dont agree with him, and support him, they arent black, cause he knows more about what it means to be black than a black person apparently and they should defer to him or else they cant possibly be black…"

You realize you are reading so much into one silly statement that it is completely ludicrous, right? This one statement tells me you have lost all reason on the man. If nothing else, think on your statement a while, maybe you will see what I mean.

"I mean if thats what you want to call segregation… Funny thing is we have history to know without a doubt this is flat out wrong. Bussing went through without out him… and guess what, it was a success as is obvious by the fact that now all schools have been integrated."

Lol, US schools are not that integrated. It's not hard to find statistics saying so. Oh sure it's probably better than it was, but no where near racially diverse in most areas.

"Ahh now your bias really shows. The fact that you think talking about some other group of people being racists somehow belongs in argument about Biden’s racism is extremely telling that you are seeking nonsensical scapecoats. Anyone with a lick of reason in this would know that another group or persons racism in no way effects if Biden is racist or not… that fact you tried to play that card shows you, far more than me, have abandoned reason and instead are just grasping at straws."

This is a fair point, it's not about the right's racism. I was trying to make a point about the social programs that Biden has and does support.

"Look he is a liar and has exploited black people. He did it so people would defend him when called a racist and ultimately win the election. The exploitation and manipulation has worked on you, exactly the way he has wanted it, despite the obvious facts staring you int he face.. It is what it is."

Calling a politician a liar is redundant. I don't watch much media, so I doubt he is manipulating me in any way. I just look at what he supports and his actions. If his actions are positive to society, I don't care if he's doing it to be successful as a politician, or if he really cares deeply. I don't know what he is gaining by such alleged exploitation though. He should be retired and playing golf. He has enough money. He is not trying to upend democracy and become a dictator, so there is no upside as far as power goes. Why do you think he is trying to exploit our gullibility and support social programs like fair housing and other public-good things even though he (according to you) thinks like a raging racist?

@freemo @kryptec @unabomber

Welp, I wanted to leave this, but here's what I see from my point of view. You haven't presented any thing other than your subjective and biased evaluation of Biden's more recent career. Where are the facts you are using to decide this? You base everything on his early career and your entirely biased impression of his behavior. What the fuck is this "daddy biden" bullshit? This is not a fact, this is something you made up. You can decide a lot of things about a person if you assume, it doesn't make them correct or even reasonable. In fact you are not using reason at all.

However, objectively, he has demonstrated that indeed he is not a "raging racist" as you insist, but a pragmatic politician who supports social programs that would actually make a difference in society. Measured against some in the right who actively work to destroy such programs, I think it's not hard to see where the racism lies.

I'm saying this as someone who would prefer someone else, didn't vote for him in the primary, and thought he was not the best candidate by far. But "raging racist"? That's a bit rich considering what actual raging racists do.

@freemo @kryptec @unabomber I just don’t see that. At all. No problem we disagree have a nice day.

@freemo @kryptec @unabomber

Honestly I don't really care about how he started his career, but rather how he ended it. As I said, personal growth happens. And anyway I think he had a reasonable point back in the day, and was right that it would not work, it didn't. Maybe he had the wrong personal motivational reasons, we will never know.

@freemo @kryptec @unabomber

A lot here, so I'll point out a few things. Picking up a black kid isn't disruptive, it's what happens at the school after that. Which is they encounter a subset of hostile racist white kids.

I think we do agree on the racism. His poorly chosen words * I think * meant that he thought there will be more fights and disruptions or outright and significant violence because of that racism. I don't know of course. This may be hateful racism, or it may be ignorance, but I prefer to give him some benefit of the doubt and think he was more ignorant than hateful.

I didn't mean he was being pragmatic about his own racism, just about the people he had to get votes from. I don't doubt that he may have been influenced by his upbringing in the 40's and 50's in a blue collar town. So you may be right about some biases at that point in his career.

But I don't agree that he didn't grow. Nor do I think he was ever hateful in whatever bias he did have. By introspection I know that biases can be present but not based on hate, just ignorance. These biases are far easier to grow out of and work on, and sometimes you just learn and they go away without you even noticing.

@freemo @kryptec @unabomber

OK, the quote is accurate, although out of context like most cherry picked quotes. To me that seems like an unfortunate choice of words, something that Biden is famous for (foot in mouth disease). If you read what he said here and in the original article you posted, his position is fairly reasonable and not racist, in my opinion anyway.

He was saying that busing was disruptive to both black and white students, as well as disruptive to the all-black schools and all-white schools themselves. Most of that is because of racism, but that racism was the racism of the white people attending and having children at the formerly all-white schools. I lived through some of those years, and I remember some of the racism (as a very young white boy) and I know I did not see the worst of it. Right or wrong, Biden was being pragmatic, this "solution" did not seem be a good one.

And I think he was both right and wrong. There was no massive outbreaks of violence as he feared, and it did help some blacks of that era, but it didn't result in the integration of society to any significant degree, or at least to the degree hoped. Most schools today are not racially diverse, reflecting the fact that society isn't either.

@freemo @kryptec @unabomber

Jeffrey, you posted a Qt of a picture that says one thing, and @kryptec posted a fact check debunk of the quote on that picture. Are you saying the fact check is wrong?

Quote from the fact check:

However, the claim that Biden said "I don't want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle" is false. There is no evidence Biden made that particular remark. I don't start any apps from systemd, but I do see my profile-defined variables in an emacs I start from dmenu in i3wm. I guess hyprland is different, although it sounds broken or maybe misconfigured? There should be a way to get the user's profile environment to an app you are starting as that user if it doesn't do that by default.
Starting emacs from systemd just sounds like a bad idea to me 😬

@Cayce5s No I don't. You are claiming strange things. It's up to you to justify them.

Hexnut boosted

I come and stand at every door
But none can hear my silent tread
I knock and yet remain unseen
For I am dead for I am dead

I’m only seven though I died
In Hiroshima long ago
I’m seven now as I was then
When children die they do not grow

My hair was scorched by swirling flame
My eyes grew dim my eyes grew blind
Death came and turned my bones to dust
And that was scattered by the wind

I need no fruit I need no rice
I need no sweets nor even bread
I ask for nothing for myself
For I am dead for I am dead

All that I need is that for peace
You fight today you fight today
So that the children of this world
Can live and grow and laugh and play

-- Nazim

Hexnut boosted

i reckon all software developers should read this thread. it's incredible. literally everything is here. entire books could be written about it For bash, I define my important env vars in .profile and source that from .bashrc at the top. This avoids having to worry about getting environment variables in programs not run from a shell since dash/sh is used for those and uses .profile. I've been doing this for years and still not sure why it's not standard procedure. It seems like the obvious solution so I am clearly missing something...

@freemo @sdgathman @VoxDei It’s the twitchy or not well suited which is the problem. All 2a purists seem to have their heads buried in the sand on this point. Don’t tell me the solid and trained will take of the twitchy one. They might but only after a lot of damage has occurred.

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