Por favor RT
Necesito gente a la que seguir. Mi TL está un poco vacía.
Me gusta leer sobre luchas sociales, cine, cultura, datos curiosos, historia, etc.
Me gustaría seguir a gente con ideología de izquierdas y transinclusiva, en español o inglés
#Feminismo #Antiracismo #LGTB #LGTBQ+ #Cine #anticapitalismo #Comunismo #Anarquismo #funfact #DatoCurioso #Historia #Transinclusivo #Transfriendly
Compartimos e invitamos a la presentación del libro de nuestro compañero Jacinto Cerdá, "Negras tormentas. La FORA anarquista en la ciudad de Buenos Aires (1930-1943)", este viernes 30 de junio a las 18 hs., en el CEHTI (Bartolomé Mitre 777 1A (CABA).
En "Negras tormentas..." el compañero nos comparte una porción de la historia de la FORA y del movimiento obrero revolucionario de la región durante la década infame.
Les esperamos!
While it felt good to delete my Reddit account, I did find the #freecad, #inkscape, and #practical3dprinting subreddits to be good. That part will be missed. It’s too bad that a terrible person can just ruin everything for everyone and not have the self-awareness to realize it.
@developit Looks much more appealing than MicroPython, but I’m also thinking:
Can maybe #DeviceScript become an alternative to #AssemblyScript for those wanting to compile JS-style code to actual WASM rather than run the JS-code in a WASM compiled JS-runtime?
Time will tell!
🆕 blog post -- A look at DeviceScript, Microsoft’s modern IoT coding language
#Microsoft last month introduced #DeviceScript, a sub-set of the company’s #TypeScript programming language, specifically for the #IoT. I took a brief look at DeviceScript by installing it and running through some of the code examples. I can already say that I’m probably never going to code an IoT prototype on an #Arduino board using that hardware’s native coding language again.
There's a really good community feature on here called groups. It works like this:
1. Follow a group's account
2. You will start seeing posts on that topic
3. You can post to the group by @-ing it
For example, follow @tea to see posts about tea.
It's more powerful than following hashtags, as all group posts are actively pushed to all of the group's members. No one misses anything.
Find out more at https://fedi.tips/how-to-use-groups-on-the-fediverse/, and I've curated some nice active groups at https://fedi.directory/tag/fediverse-groups/
I saw a great article/thread the other day about the way that people in authority are held to account by people who have time to sit and argue about things they don't have full understanding of. Which trends towards authoritarian approaches and simplified explanations.
Anyone recall seeing this? Can't think where it was now. I'd like to say it was Cory Doctorow or David Allen Green but it span past my eyes before I had a chance to save it.
#1maig23 #cgtclinic sortim al carrer Contra la pujada asfixiant de preus. #PerUnsPreusJustos
Des dels #JardinetsDeGracia fins la seu de CGT Sanitat Barcelona (Pare Laínez 18-24) amb els companys de @LaKylaB
#acciodirecta #salvadorsegui
I guess I should have waited with this picture for #TongueOutTuesday, but I could have forgotten to post it and it would be lost on my disk for all eternity.
Me voy a animar, que me apetece meterle mano a temas de telefonía. No prometo nada, pero la idea es dejar público un servidor Asterisk modificado con los parches de ProjectMF. La gente se podría conectar a él para probar su blue box, y dejaría enganchado el acoplador acústico al IMSAI para que después de tomar el control de la centralita pudiese marcar su extensión y conectarse al IMSAI por módem.
Holographic Cellphones Coming Thanks to AI - Issac Asimov foresaw 3D virtual meetings but gave them the awkward name “tridimens... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/02/holographic-cellphones-coming-thanks-to-ai/ #artificialneuralnetwork #tensorflow #holograms #science #ai
Un ejemplo muy sencillo para utilizar #TensorFlow Lite en #Esp32 https://eloquentarduino.com/tensorflow-lite-esp32/
Having so much fun with #ComfyUI !!
#AIart seems so much easy, in truth, there is so much work behind if you want to obtain that particular look or feeling!
With #Comfy, it feels like being inside #Nuke or #Natron, #Blender... basically any #compositing software! And in fact, it actually is!
Sure, you might also get lucky with a 'amazing landscape' #promt, but would be totally random
#art #ai #StableDiffusion #Tensorflow #machinelearning #nodeCompositing
#Sex and #gender is much more complicated in #nature than people like to pretend. For instance, there is a #bird that effectively has four 'genders'. #Wolves have also recently been developing a similar system in #Yellowstone where black wolves prefer to mate with gray/tan wolves, due to #disease making a mixed population more desirable (black wolves have better disease resist, but they are far less stealthy). And of course, there are one-sex #species, such as the famous #lesbian #lizards which still require, ahem, 'activity' to activate the eggs and so do it with other females. #science #news #lgbt
Next clue. A little more context for all of the previous clues. Still a LOT of parts to print!
Hoy fui a la primera reunión del proyecto de investigación interdisciplinario sobre contaminación lumínica que realizaremos investigadores del CURE Rocha, Facultad de Ciencias, Facultad de Arquitectura y la Intendencia de Montevideo. La reunión fue en la Unidad Técnica de Alumbrado Público (UTAP) de la intendencia de Montevideo y definimos los primeros pasos para dar. Me traje los SQM para configurar y dejarlos prontos para el deploy. El proyecto tomará datos que serán utilizados por la intendencia, la cátedra de Acondicionamiento Lumínico de Facultad de Arquitectura, la Facultad de Ciencias para el estudio de comportamiento de aves e insectos en áreas urbanas y el CURE Rocha para los estudios astronómicos de contaminación lumínica que lleva adelante en el país, el desarrollo de un estándar de cielos oscuros avalado por la Unión Astronómica Internacional (UAI) así como también su aplicación en Uruguay para el Sistema Nacional de Areas Protegidas (SNAP). Este esfuerzo es verdaderamente pionero en este campo de estudio #sqm #contaminaciónlumínica
Argentino | Noob programer / Ind Engineering / Mechatronic Technician / Platformist Anarchism