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It's nice to see people favouriting my posts. But it doesn't affect visibility (for anyone else).

Only boosting matters

Let's follow up yesterday's post with another from my archive, this time a guide to #HighPerformanceComputing!

I wrote this as a cheat sheet to remind myself of a few things when I was new to using a #ClusterComputer, and it turned into a resource I often point new students to. It runs through connecting via SSH, installing Python and using SLURM.

Maybe some of you here on #ScienceMastodon might get some use out of it too!

#HPC #computing #cluster #slurm #Python

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Just to give you an idea of how bad the whole "we block anyone who doesnt block who we block" has gotten, someone sent me this:

I would **love** to give M.A a script that goes over all the instances in the fediverse and alerts them of every instance that doesnt follow the exact same block list as them and spit it out. I'm sure they will realize they have to block 99% of the fediverse... its getting laughable at this point.

🎓 Doc Freemo :jpf: 🇳🇱  
So someone messaged me privately and asked how absolute this is.. like would we block an instance calling for genocide. I feel my response is impor...

A ✅ has appeared in my profile. Hurrah for that. I think we have to realise that the learning curve here is steepish, but rather than be anxious about it, shouldn’t we should celebrate the adventure of slowly finding out something that was puzzling at first? Like your first week at school or in a new office building. We’ll get there and soon laugh at how confused me were at first. I hope!

An #rstats #rladies workshop I gave earlier this year

Iterating well with {purrr} 🐱

now has the recording available 🎉

Thank you for having me, R-Ladies Rabat! 💜

If you are part of the #TwitterMigration you may want to consider downloading your Twitter archive. Even if you’re not deleting your account.

You can’t be sure this possibility won’t suddenly stop working one day.

Instructions for requesting your archive are on the following link. Note that instructions are different for iOS app, Android app and web browser (desktop). You can select an icon for the system you want at the top of the instructions.

DOI for toots and status updates? 

How long will a 'toot' or status update will be made available in a server depends on the server policy about their databases. So, your toot/status update may not persist beyond a year in some cases. In most day to day small talk, this may not matter, but as we have several scholarly and discussions in the , we may want to think of assigning to toots and updates that can persist. Perhaps @crossref
has some thoughts about it.
What would you say?

Current thinking (please note I am a Mastodon beginner)

CRAN = Twitter
R-universe ( = Mastodon


@stephenfry better to learn something new than to suffer certain fools.

DOI for toots and status updates? 

How long will a 'toot' or status update will be made available in a server depends on the server policy about their databases. So, your toot/status update may not persist beyond a year in some cases. In most day to day small talk, this may not matter, but as we have several scholarly and discussions in the , we may want to think of assigning to toots and updates that can persist. Perhaps @crossref
has some thoughts about it.
What would you say?

@Herring1967 I found this explanation very useful when I got here a few days ago.

I wish I could remember who boosted it, so I could thank them again.

My first post on Mastodon: please take part in The Perception Census - help us advance research into perceptual diversity, and learn about your own powers of perception too: perceptioncensus.dreamachine.w

Yes. I can do macroblogging with my Pleroma too. I talked about "software flavours". But that was not my point, what software does macro- and what microblogging.. 🤔
@helpers @heluecht


It makes me really happy to hear that. Me and many others here have committed a lot of effort to try to have a community mature enough to talk and not fight, to be respectful and decent without the need for much if any censorship (there is always the occasional bad actor, but its rare).

Myself and im sure my fellow long-time qoto members all appreciate very much hearing that you feel safe and at home here, and most important, you are happy to be here.

@arinbasu @SteveZissou


Anyone have a good explanation of Mastodon's federation, from a user perspective? Like how the different instances interact, how users go from instance to instance, that sort of thing



I am obviously biased but I think we have hands down one of the best servers on the fediverse. Drama is very rare here and when someone comes who does tend to start it they never last long. Amazing for an instance which doesnt limit the topics we are allowed to talk about and generally encourages free speech (hate speech not being free speech).

Its the first time I’ve ever seen a social media community actually work and get a long. I love it here.


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.