@admin @Mastodon should be aware and cautious of people who are putting vulgar and pornographic material on this social network. It may be a handiwork of other social networking platforms who feel threatened from @Mastodon. If proper precautions are not taken then the new users may not feel safe here forcing them to make less use of this platform.
I am the admin for qoto, the @admin account you linked is not, We also have @arteteco and @Surasanji
who are fellow mods.
We dont currently have any nude or NSFW accounts on QOTO, you are probably remarking on accounts you see on other networks that we federate with.
@freemo @Jastej @Surasanji @admin
Also, I have nothing against vulgar, pornographic or otherwise offensive material as long as it is properly CW'ed, as by our ToS
QOTO is an instance of a social network. No, it's not just to ask questions to others, I'm sorry if we gave the wrong idea.
We highly value freedom of speech, as an essential part of science, human interactions and personal development. We understand that some content may be perceived as disturbing, that is why we enforce the mandatory CW in such cases. Otherwise, anything is in general fine.
With that said, we do not have any case of such content in this instance afaik, if you do have anything could you point it out to me, please?