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I’ve never liked the term “whataboutism.” It sounds like the kind of thing a journalist came up with to make it seem like they were presenting a clever new idea. Meanwhile, the concept of ‘tu quoque’ has been around for a very long time.

Am I now that guy who wants to correct people by quoting Latin at them? Send help…

b6 boosted

#DRM isn't just an annoyance -- it's a violation of your right to use the items you own as you see fit. Learn more about our Defective by Design campaign at, and follow our campaign account at @endDRM

b6 boosted

Hey, so this is super cool.

Google has been collecting call and messaging data about who you talk to or send text messages to for years. There's no opt-out, no notifcation in their TOS they're doing this, and you can't see the results of that collection in Google Takeout.

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I think I’ve decided that I hate owning a house. I wish I’d know this 5 years ago when we were scraping money together for a down payment, but it really is just one giant pain in the ass.

On an unrelated note, anyone interested in buying a house in an overpriced neighborhood where the basements are prone to flooding?

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b6 boosted

To be clear I’m not talking about NSFW stuff, and I haven’t seen any nudes or graphic violence going around anyway. At least no more than usual.

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I’m seeing a good number of people demanding CWs on posts related to current events. Can someone help me understand why?

This is a serious question by the way. I’m not trying to be a dick. Everyone on Mastodon has the ability to filter their timelines, why is that suddenly not an option in this case?

What’s the real reason Gandalf didn’t just walk into Mordor and straight up murder Sauron along with his army of orcs, trolls, etc?

b6 boosted

@b6hydra I dont. Even on cave dives where the space is pretty tight I am still pretty comfortable. I am sure some people do, but those people probably wouldnt SCUBA dive in the first place.

That said I will say this, BEFORE I learned to SCUBA I would feel something you might call agoraphobia when I was swimming in the middle of the ocean with no visible bottom. Though Diving in areas like that quickly cured me of those feelings.

Not related to agoraphobia or claustraphobia I can say your first few dives can be scary, my first 10 were. But the fear is more like “If my equipment breaks and my dive buddy doesnt see me I might die”. Thats a healthy fear though and ultimately is what lead me to go tech because in tech you have a backup for everything, even tanks.

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The US state that fought back after Republicans tried to rig its elections

Despite a flurry of legal action and very public disputes between members, Michigan has produced some of the fairest voting maps in the US

#uspol #michigan #corruption #corruptgop

Then comes the mandatory 2 hour fidgeting period, after which the door acts like its going to close then starts going back up because reasons.

(If this sounds like an insane thing to complain about, you’re not wrong. I’m about to burn this fucker down.)

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Were there actually a lot of children being maimed before garage door sensors became mandatory? I’m not old enough to remember, and as far as I can tell the only purpose is to become misaligned every time a pigeon farts.

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