I mean, all litter is gross and bad for the environment. I wish they hadn't just gone for the low hanging fruit while ignoring every other company that creates our trash.

It's a step I suppose. When governments choose to fine an already unpopular group or industry rather than attempt widespread change it just suggests to me that they're more interested in revenue than 'the good.'

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#Police Rely On #WarOnDrugs To Increase Budgets (documented).

#Drugwar: decades of infringements to ALL person #Rights, #Constitutional / otherwise.

Court precedents erode what is left of your rights in the future (most occur in said cases).

#MassSurveillance: It's not for your safety. Never has been.

#HumanRights #USA

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BMW have successfully lobbied for their customers to receive dedicated spaces in parking lots


@Some_Emo_Chick Interesting... A bit of both if I'm being honest :blobthinkingsmirk:

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@Some_Emo_Chick My tor bridge is definitely seeing a lot more activity from Iran lately. Thinking of setting up a second, I need an excuse to get another VPS anyway.

@vvv@mastodon.technology @urusan This, honestly. Upgrading that 10 year old PC now will be a more more dramatic change than waiting for what will ultimately be an incremental improvement to current hardware. If you want to try and time the market to get this generations hardware cheap when the next one comes out you can. There are no guarantees though, and the crypto vultures have just introduced more uncertainty, not less.

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@Moon Hubzilla comes to mind. You can create clones of your channel on other hosts by connecting directly with username/pw (if the original hub is still online) or a backup file (for extra security, or if the original hub is gone).
@liaizon @mike

The people running the state of Nebraska must be really happy Facebook is such an easy scapegoat. The State uses a warrant to keep tabs on a minors reproductive organs and FB takes the majority of the heat because they didn't stick their own necks out in the process? Reactionaries have it so easy these days...

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Had to take the bus into town today, and wore a kilt. Some Delores decided to take issue; which sadly I'm used to. "Why are you wearing a skirt?!" and so on. As I said, used to it (and big scary white dude, so I have some privilege to wield), so I'm calmly addressing it with her

But then she said "well how am I supposed to explain that to my kid?!", and friends, I didn't have to say a thing, because the most awesome Black lady jumped in. She turned to her kid (I'd guess roughly 13 years old) and said "hey, why is he allowed to wear a skirt?"

Kid: "he's grown enough to wear whatever the fuck he wants"

Mom: "see?! Ain't hard ma'am"

Delores huffed but that was pretty much the end 🤣

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