#Qoto after being sluggish for a number of days is now no longer self updating toots on some of my timelines.
QOTO: Do we have an account to send problems to (other than freemo personally)?
@freeschool @freemo Without the timelines (on desktop version) updating I am having great difficulty using the site in any meaningful way.
QOTO: Do we have an account to send problems to (other than freemo personally)?
@bibliolater Didnt realize the timelines werent updated. Just popped in and fixed it, should be good now.
QOTO: Do we have an account to send problems to (other than freemo personally)?
@freemo Thank you.
QOTO: If you have problems for a few days... try these tests
@bibliolater @freemo Could be an idea to try a few things / tests to see if any different results:
█ log out, and then log in to see if any difference
█ try a fresh install of same browser using portable / uuzipped version
(e.g. http://www.mypal-browser.org/download.html)
█ try another browser completely to check if anything different
(e.g. https://alternativeto.net/software/brave/)
And let me know if these quick-ish tests show anything different.
QOTO: If you have problems for a few days... try these tests
@freeschool @freemo Thank you for the advice, whatever Dr Freeman did has done the trick and they are now updating.
QOTO: Do we have an account to send problems to (other than freemo personally)?
What do you mean without them updating? Why arent they updating for you?