@namark maybe global open source movement? btw cryptocurrency is an open source no?
like what max keiser said, you can't destroy bank - by 'destroying bank' (buildings/attacking ppl). But by simply using bitcoin.
maybe that way we can also beating the hell out of corporate surveillance.
actually to be fair we ought to ready for the worst case scenario.
this is why military knowledge cannot be ignored, you put footprint of yourself everywhere and that'll used against u sooner or later.
I believe 'homo homini lupus' will soon come true considering the worst time ahead. not all the people are disciple of light.
@cy my country isn't listed 😂
Something you don't expect came from pepe escobar
still not perfect but this is first on its class, and remember this is not #apple
Biggest demonstration on 2020
not aired in mainstream media
to legitimize multinational big tech
Let's get this viral
Big company just DON'T CARE about YOU,
people care - not the company
@metapsyche it cost '1 year' worth of lockdown 😂
@cy btw I'm on uncharted territory 😫
This guy's content is awesome about how people get busted even when they're using #TOR (compilation of stories)
I can't find the exact questionnaire of this data (https://ourworldindata.org/time-with-others-lifetime), simple search found that it's related to hygiene and beautification, generally around that.
*just imagine face mask, relaxation incense, etc. 😎
**Even south korean footballer are famously using face powder 😝
Underpaid Apologist, sincerely hungry for any explanation. Reporting my findings, Call me Jon
this is me on normal mode @indonische