I have to admit that, much as I like fiddling around in #midjourney and making weird stuff, being able to talk to #ChatGPT about the image you want ("how about a slightly brighter background") from #dalle3 makes it much easier if there's a particular specific thing that you want to make.
A new project I helped with! #AIArt and #Midjourney involved.
Posted a little story inspired by ten writing prompts at once, because why not? Includes one decorative #Midjourney image.
Posted about #bananaBread and #coffee and #Midjourney and #theSims and various random things like that. #weblog
Saturday the 17th https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/09/17/saturday-the-17th/
Posted to the wordpress weblog! Mostly showing a fun picture and how I made it perfecter using a new #Midjourney feature. #AIArt #weblog
Before You Were Born https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/09/01/before-you-were-born/
#midjourney be like, "Okay, I dunno what those words mean, so here's a white woman with some weird stuff in her hair."
USPOL, AI (sort of)
I asked #midjourney for a photorealistic image of the first nonhuman US President, and it gave me one zombie-looking dude, and three very realistic images of DJT.
More stills from imaginary films...
1960s Psychodrama of Eldritch Suspense https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/05/05/1960s-psychodrama-of-eldritch-suspense/
I posted! Perhaps offensively! Various images from ol' #midjourney . Not #AIArt so much as #AIWeirdness . #weblog
Following up on yesterday's crazy images, we find that Midjourney v5 is comparatively boring. In this particular sense.
Eaux saf aim; Midjourney v4 vs v5 https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/03/28/eaux-saf-aim-midjourney-v4-vs-v5/
Posted! Some crazy pictures herein. :)
Odd little spots in Midjourney latent space https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/03/27/odd-little-spots-in-midjourney-latent-space/
Posted (but mostly just three big new pictures )
So much new! https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/03/16/so-much-new/
#selfpromo again! :)
The Klara Trilogy is done! https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/01/18/the-klara-trilogy-is-done/
#AIArt somewhat, #midjourney
#AIArt #selfpromo
A pre-announcement until I can get to a proper computer (Jury Duty, amirite?): all three parts of the Klara Trilogy (story by me, art by me and #midjourney , narration and videography by Karima Hoisan) are now on the YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeRIZzYcpxSfVqEsM_GlxxBdKS-isdJuf
#Midjourney pretends to prove the Pythagorean Theorem! Endearingly! #AIArt
Little Imaginary Diagrams https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/01/16/little-imaginary-diagrams/
Just hit my 25,000th #MidJourney image. #AIArt #GetALifeEhWhat
#AIArt geekery
I think we've maybe figured out the #fingers thing.
The current AI tools ( #midjourney and all ) can deal relatively accurately with quantities of one or two, occasionally three.
Most things that we care about in images are either one or two (heads, eyes, wings, headlights), or a larger number that we don't care about being accurate (tree limbs, feathers, grass).
The commonly-appearing things that we care deeply about the number of, and that come in numbers greater than two, are... fingers.
The network can deal with (almost always) producing one nose and two eyes and two legs, etc. If we ask it for a dozen eggs, it might do eight, or fifteen, but that's fine, at least it doesn't look horrifying.
But six or seven fingers? Ewwww! It immediately looks horribly wrong.
(And when it does three arms or legs, because two is also a little challenging, that's also ewww.)
So there ya go, simple explanation... :)
A consciousness somehow associated with matter.
Posting about culture, philosophy, politics, AI Art Tools, NaNoWriMo, Software Development occasionally, the relationship of consciousness to matter.
Degrees in Philosophy and Computer Science, once had a US TS/SCI(redacted) clearance, radical-for-the-US politics, ex-Libertarian, zen-buddhist-pantheist-atheist.
Google employee, but I do not speak for Google in any way.
If your profile tells me nothing about you, it's less likely I'll follow you (back).
Header: abstract smoky patterns
pfp: Adorable weird piglet / delirium cultist... thing. In a hoodie.