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Greetings, I am Dr. Tao’pan, I’ll be facilitating your session. Before we start, I know you can’t talk; it must be frustrating. The Areux jelly injection anesthetized your vocal cords; you see, I’m a V'engian and our species has very sensitive hearing. I find human screaming intolerable. Oh yes, I neglected to tell you, this is a torture session. Be assured, all my instruments are sterilized. One procedural point, there won’t be any questions; this is a purely esthetic exercise.

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The least plausible thing to me in any fantasy media is when some quest-dispensy type tells a hero, "You must take the McGuffin to the land called Bro-whatte, to the ruin of Th'hell beyond the Lake of Incomprens, & place it on the altar of Anot'rethgn before the Feast of Whassit," and the hero nods and sets off.

Never even a pause for, "Uh, hold up, I gotta write that down. Can you -- sorry, is that one L or two in Th'hell? Remind me when Whassit is? Should I pack a coat?"


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Self-described “free speech absolutist” Elon Musk will have a formal role in the presidential announcement of Ron DeSantis, who has launched an aggressive crackdown on free speech in Florida K-12 schools, universities, and private businesses

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Some hospitals refusing to mask anymore because they claim people are likely to get #COVID elsewhere anyway. That's a dereliction of duty. Regardless of what is happening elsewhere, no one should ever have to risk their health while seeking medical care. Do no harm.

Me: ah, a little free time, let's read a good book or something.

My brain: okay! Searching the web for "Hugh Jass" hahaha let's gooo!

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Our latest investigation into the death of Colombian protester Lucas Villa, in partnership with CLIP & Cerosetenta, has been the subject of conversations in Colombian media. If you missed it you can read the article published on the second anniversary of Lucas’ death here:

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After a short hiatus, this week our twitch stream is back and better than ever with a new look and feel! Join us on Wednesday, 4:30pm CEST, to learn about the latest open source research and tools and to compete in our weekly Geoguessr games!

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Anyway, there's ten of my favorites.


If you want to master geekery, you need to read narrative history, because narrative history is about change, and, in spite of what your org your school and your trade tells you, the central act of being a geek isn't *finishing* things, it's *changing* things.

The more you grasp how change really works, the stronger a geek you will be.

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Aight, bedtime's a-coming. We shall have a nightcap and a ramble.

The other day I said this:

Of course, someone asked me immediately for recommendations. *What* narrative history should they read?

The answer in general: anything that looks interesting and isn't about our stupid geekery trade.

One answer in specific:

<hits his neat rye, puffs hard on the cigarette, looks off in the distance>

Here's ten titles, authors, and one-liners. No links, you're a grownup.

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My fellow cis Americans, I want you to look at this map. Really look at it. And I want you to imagine what it would feel like if those red states were threatening you and your family. Because, ultimately, they are.

This is what creeping fascism looks like. It will harm ALL OF US. And it will take all of us, together, to fight it.

We don't sacrifice people. We stand with our trans siblings. When their rights are threatened, all our rights are threatened.


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New STRANGE ÆONS just dropped! 😂 🤡 😆

Reading Iconic Clown Husbandry Posts

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Trans shit, looking for anyone who can relate 

I'm kind of at a loss for how to explain this in words, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

I'm starting to realize that I think my brain and emotions have a different gender identity than my body.

Or more accurately, my brain/heart/soul seem to be strongly agender, but my body is very insistently female.

This is not at all dysphoric, dissonant, or incongruent. In fact I'm so at peace with this situation - especially compared to the decades I spent having to pretend to be male - that I barely even noticed it.

Does any of this make sense to anyone? Anybody out there know what to call this?

USPOL, AI (sort of) 

(And "the first capybara US president" was four adorable capybaras, two of them with hairpieces but otherwise normal.)

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Now this is a good and sensible position! Great headline, too. :)

Just Calm Down About GPT-4 Already

And stop confusing performance with competence, says Rodney Brooks

USPOL, AI (sort of) 

@trinsec : Exactly! :)

USPOL, AI (sort of) 

(On the other hand, "the first cyborg US President" looked more like Obama with some mechanical parts...)

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When people say that all superheroes are inherently fascist, they're ignoring the very real reasons superheroes were invented (mostly by immigrant Jews before and after WWII as a warning against fascism), and extremely specific examples of superhero antifascism like this.

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