Henry Blodget steps down as Insider CEO, replaced by Barbara Peng; Insider changes its name back to Business Insider to focus on business and technology news (Alexandra Bruell/Wall Street Journal)
What should I dream about? I will abide by the results of this poll.
#StableDiffusion #AIArt #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt
🆕 blog! “Chapter 14 - Wednesday I'm In Love”
Welcome to NaNoWriMo, where I - and thousands of other plucky souls - try to write a 50,000 word novel in a month. You are reading "Tales of the Algorithm". A compendium of near-future sci-fi stories. Each chapter is a stand-alone adventure set a few days from now. Everything you read is possible - there's […]
👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2023/11/chapter-14-wednesday-im-in-love/
#NaNoWriMo #TalesOfTheAlgorithm
In 1999, I was wearing all black because the summer camp I went to for a week had a white on black shirt that year. There was a whole crew of us.
A police officer came up to a group of us hanging out in a bus stop and asked — memory timidly — "Are you anarchists?”
I've remembered that interaction ever since, and think of it every time I discover I'm wearing all black.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am, I can now say. Not like "throw things through windows" anarchist, though I sympathize sometimes, more a "I don't trust you in the position of power, we will have to get it done ourselves as we always have" anarchist.
Nobody can take care of us but us. That can be a big us or a little us, but nobody's going to do it for us. That much is clear now.
You don’t have to be old enough to vote in order to protect your digital rights. EFF wants young people to step up and defend themselves against an onslaught of government censorship and surveillance. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/10/young-people-may-be-biggest-target-online-censorship-and-surveillance-and
What should I dream about? I will abide by the results of this poll.
#StableDiffusion #AIArt #AIGenerated #AI #GenerativeAI #GenerativeArt
22,033: back on track https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/11/11/22033-back-on-track/
My #android #phone has once again begun giving me evening updates about #traffic and #driving conditions on the way home.
Which might be very nice except I never drive to or from work. As it very well knows. #train updates would be relevant.
And of course there's no apparent way to point this out to it.
Shocked, shocked.
Surprise! Billionaires aren’t solving climate change https://heated.world/p/surprise-billionaires-arent-solving
"the Times warned its readers that #DonaldTrump — if returned to the White House in 2025 — is grooming a new team of extremist government lawyers who would be more loyal to their Dear Leader than to the #RuleOfLaw, and could help #Trump install a brand of American #fascism.
You say you didn’t hear anything about this? That’s not surprising...
“Trump Allies Want a New Style of Lawyer if He Returns to Power,” was the original online headline"
#nanowrimo day 6, word count 11,020.
I was completely out of action on Saturday with a 24 hour stomach bug or something, and have only made up half the lost quota, but otherwise I'm keeping up the 2k/day goal nicely.
And the story rather has my interest, too! I wonder what will happen. 😁
Links here: https://ceoln.wordpress.com/2023/11/01/nanowrimo-2023/
Wow. I found the vitriol on BlueSky that I didn’t here on Mastodon. Bad stumble. For me, Mastodon was a breath of fresh air. Here when I use the discover feature, I encounter cool pics and people saying interesting things or giving compliments. I can lurk and read science posts I don’t understand and just like and boost other users’ content. I guess I’m saying thank you to the people here building a supportive community. I’m sticking around here where I’ve blocked under 5 people in over a year.
A consciousness somehow associated with matter.
Posting about culture, philosophy, politics, AI Art Tools, NaNoWriMo, Software Development occasionally, the relationship of consciousness to matter.
Degrees in Philosophy and Computer Science, once had a US TS/SCI(redacted) clearance, radical-for-the-US politics, ex-Libertarian, zen-buddhist-pantheist-atheist.
Google employee, but I do not speak for Google in any way.
If your profile tells me nothing about you, it's less likely I'll follow you (back).
Header: abstract smoky patterns
pfp: Adorable weird piglet / delirium cultist... thing. In a hoodie.