@Surasanji @freemo
So good to have you! We just starded an DnD group using Roll20.
@Surasanji I've been seven years on CET/CEST/GMT+1/2 night shifts. it's 19:41 and I am just starting my days most productive/awake phase.
For #DnD : It's the first group I ever had. I am more of a scifi guy but roleplay is about the people you play with. :)
@commandelicious Yeah, I'm only about an hour ahead of you. As for DnD- one of the great things about DnD is you can always set it in any realm you really want it to be. You can totally sci-fi up your elves or dwarves. Take the stats, call them something else. Bang.
I've always loved the old standards, but you've got things from the old days like Spelljammer (Magical space ships!) and Planescape (Multiverse playground!)
One of the best things about Roleplaying as a hobby is it has those hints of old communal story-telling. The camp fire is now just a map-board, and instead of fresh deer liver we get tuna sandwiches. :P
@commandelicious I'm pretty into that stuff. My times are wonky, though. My job faces the US, so I work what amounts to US Central Time. Keeps me up all night- but I've worked nights for such a long time that is second nature.