(Non-scientific) article about indigenous rangers tackling extinction of species and loss of biodiversity in outback Australia.
"A key reason for a scientist to work with Aboriginal people in Australia is to try to see the country through their eyes — makes you a better ecologist as well as a richer person."
Great to see what they are doing.
One criticism to the cyber truck that I think is valid is that it's hard to load from the side.
Considering that it has a back ramp and can lower the suspension, anyone that likes trucks can tell me whether this is true?
The fact that the outside of the truck is made of tick steel and works as the structure, instead of having a train below it is pretty cool.
@freemo Since you run many other libre services already, invidious might be an nice addition.
It's a libre youtube proxy with no ads, no algorithm and a pure html interface.
"The Web We Have to Save
The rich, diverse, free web that I loved — and spent years in an Iranian jail for — is dying.
Why is nobody stopping it?"
Amazing art on the post header. See the FULL SIZE image here, lots of detail: https://miro.medium.com/max/2999/1*DLIqBteIIJchIhaiUfCFdQ.jpeg
I entirely agree with this message on #gunrights. HK is a prime example of the need for such rights in civil defense against tyranny.
The Compass and Straight Edge Giga Chad Thunder-Cock of the network.
All your arguments will be refuted solely with a straight edge and a compass and up to 10 hand made copies will be distributed in the street in a location of my choosing. Since nothing magnificent comes without work the burden of obtaining one of them is on you.
Applied mathematics has no real world applications.