I only depend on mosquitto_sub and pub for live demos and debugging, so the charmful workaround was to register another listener for the default port like
`listener 1883`
`protocol mqtt`
Now I am happy again, my bridge works and all my privacy is gone again.
Updating to the #snap release of mosquitto was the most simple way to fix the first problem (reconnects).
The second problem should be no problem, but the shell clients seem not to allow unencrypted 8883 connections. There are some command line options that should circumvent the problem `--insecure`.
But *protocol error* still occurred.
Related problem 5 years ago :/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56361192/configuring-mosquitto-mqtt-broker-to-listen-on-multiple-ports
Another #IoT journey report.
My broker was no more compatible to the bridge at home so continuous reconnects every second was the result.
Another problem is that I serve non-encrypted mqtt over 8883 what confuses the #mosquitto clients.
(8883 is the default for TLS encrypted connections)
Changing that port is not an option as enough devices in the #hackerspace and at friends homes depend on it.
@jfbastien Olfactory Studio, where "code smell" is literal.
@hanno Getting a uniformly distributed random number with an upper bound is surprisingly hard with web APIs. And StackOverflow is just full with wrong answers.
Crypto scammer suddenly pleads guilty in trial surrounding EXW fraud
December 13, 2023
Has anybody here ever opened an Microsoft Edge browser on a fresh Microsoft Windows (11) installation. It is shocking what bullshit they deliver on their start page.
Articles to questionable "news" websites, lots of advertisements and loops of itself. I could provide a screenshot. It's ugly.
You've probably heard us talk about it before: Vivaldi is owned by its employees and has 0 external investors.
In this day and age, it's a such a privilege to be independent. This allows us to set our own priorities and listen to users' needs.
People often wonder how this model is sustainable. Here’s how we make the money we need to keep doing what we’re doing. We appreciate your support! 👇
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Half Life:25th Anniversary Documentary
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbZ3HzvFEto
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38444719
Monitoring a service architecture by checking a highly depdendent service. Makes sense. But which tool to use for that? I am not so into #monit because I do not want to learn the syntax
"Health probe:
Configure a Deep health probe which checks for all must-have-dependencies. For example, a health probe should hit a service endpoint of your application which interacts with DB and a highly-dependent service." (top highlight)
#read #later