@fanetin Hay cristianos que sienten que la Navidad se les ha "robado", despojado de su sentido religioso. Los que sacan el paño rojo con la talla del niño. Y, es verdad, se la hemos robado 😆
En todo caso, esta iniciativa es propia de autoridades eclesiásticas, no laicas.
@javierfpanadero @ecosdelfuturo Muy interesante. A mí lo que me lía es cuando defines una función para parámetros p.e. reales y luego le metes un vector de numpy. Puede funcionar... o no. Lo último que he he hecho tiene esta pinta. O sea, hago bucles para para no meterme en líos (lo he tomado de un sitio, yo no manejo "zip" con tanta soltura).
Está np.vectorize, pero creo que es un bucle también
@j_bertolotti It's a D&D-ish game, in which the enemies are given some IA, which makes a master unnecessary. This makes the game completely cooperative ("PvE"), and even feasible for a single player
@j_bertolotti I don't have time to go into DnD but I do play #Gloomhaven ocasionally (PC version), and this is exactly the mechanism
@radiactivoman Yo propongo procramarlos Kings of Leon
@Pgonzrodriguez Ah, sí que está !!
@Pgonzrodriguez Eso es un #escutoide, obviamente. Creo que Clara Grima no anda por #mastodon todavía
@imdef I don't know, but mathstodon looks great, e.g.
I am getting this strange LaTeX rendering in qoto.org all the time. I'd really like some nice LaTeX markup, like the guys in https://mathstodon.xyz 😕
@zornsllama We call it that way in Spain. Only we pronounce "-glia", as it reads in Spanish, when it is actually "-lla".
BTW "tartaglia" means "stutterer", which is a nickname, and not a very polite one.
@freemo _Inter_national men's day!
@fisunov That's what you get for joining soviet.social 😆
@adingbatponder @mrlyonsmaths Well, THAT makes it interesting! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interesting_number_paradox
@j_bertolotti Very Douglas Hofstadter. He is obsessed with calligraphy (among many other things...)
@johncarlosbaez A great number of songs use this circle. Off the top of my head, Autumn Leaves and Hey Joe
@subetealanutria Para mí, todo el arco del vecino cowboy chino sobra. O habría que conectarlo mejor.
David Mermin
There is no quantum measurement problem
The idea that the collapse of a quantum state is a physical process stems from a isunderstanding of probability and the role it plays in quantum mechanics.
Profesor titular de física en la #ETSIN, UPM,
Madrid, España