@miamiautumn Ah! Yes! The famous "Everyone is an angel and would not do do harm to another being" argument.
I see that a lot lately and i'm tired dismantling it.
So... i'm just gonna say.
why aren't cops just blindly murder people yet?
Wouldn't that proved my argument that this case is the prime example of a faulty individual inside a department?.
The system itself is man-made rules and thinking that the system are faulty, when it's indeed man-made wouldn't that imply that you believe that people isn't perfect, by that argument you really shouldn't believe in humanity at all.
@vikinghoader it's exclusive to any instance with subscribe api.
you could refer to this discussion
@vikinghoader could you dumb it down a bit more for me?
html game doesn't require server side scripting. Does it still considered an app too? I mean they could process input and output.
@Acer who doesn't
@Acer in ssl context. You can always generate your own ssl key and then issue them to a ssl certification company Or you can have them generate it and get automatically cerified.
Have you visited nanochan? Their whole networks used ssl but they didn't issue their key to certs company.
Their web is one the example how ssl key and certs can be fully generated without issuer.
But again how can you be so sure if it's not some malicious who trying to take over their site when they also generate and sign their own certificate.
And that's where ssl company comes in handy.
@Acer I thought we still talks about PKI vouching in asymetrical encryption.
Pardon me then. When it comes to web encryprion, they used both asymetric and symetrical encryption.
tell calvin that @deesapoetra is that kind of person who's too easy to please that even knowing his cause of death would make him happy anyway.
@Acer brb. I need to do my dishes
@Acer are talking web encryption ?
@Acer research has always been used by scientist to refer their learning process.
I wanna be cool and hip like scientist too. That's why i said "research" instead of "finding".
@Acer you can't have a fixed protocol for an asymetrical encryption, it always change as computing power became buffed overtime, at least that's what current limitation for asymetrical encryption. (Well maybe because it's asymetrical in the first place?)
@Acer good luck on your research!
@Acer ofc! The key point is trust (if you only exchange your key to one person only) and WOT.
@Acer you might want to do a research on "double encryption method" where you would used both asymetric and symetric encryption.
I'm sure stackexchange, superuser, and stackoverflow already had this kind conversation before.
@Acer well. Since you upload your key to a key server, your need to share your key to someone is not an issue. They can always pull it from the server.
And instead of uploading your public key to your social media as a method of proof that you own the key after putting it on keyserver.
You can just wrote your fingerprints and took photos with you holding it.
It's just convinient. Since you can't generate a key with the same fingerprints twice (if it did met current standard).
@Acer Yep. That's the drawbacks. Even public key aren't that secure.
You can read the docs on how public key are generated and how it became less and less secure as computer capabilities being buffed overtime.
> you can...
...without pki.
Yes you can always do that. but wouldn't it also serve the same purpose as using PKI too? I mean both way you upload you key fp or public key content anyway.
> PKI makes things easier...
... Fingerprint.
Yes. It make things such as vouching became so much easier.
@Acer WOT = Faith.
Yep. Something like that, but instead of one way connection like faith are, it's a "web" where many people can get involved.
You still need it if your key meant to be used as your main way to connect with people.
Are you satisfied with only one people trusting you ? Are people gonna think the same as you ?
And that's why PKI makes everything easier.
@Acer since the very begining of the public key invention.
It meant to be used so people can vouch for each other. It's indeed problematic on "how can you trust the key?" Or "How can you be sure if it's not an under cover agent that pushing him (the key owner) to ease the investigation".
But i think you can always do something to make people vouch for your keys.
i like to imagine as if back in black always playing to my life.
a former owner of @ravenclaw