
Pretty sad to see people posting "jokes" about the likely candidate for the Democratic party in the US election.

And who is being served by those "jokes" and "memes"?

Yes, you bet, the opposition, lead by a despicable man, unqualified and unstable, widely perceived as a narcissist and worse by mental health professionals.

The "jokes" end up on some of the hash tags included in their posts, in company of assorted Twitter bot reposts here, all working for the same opposition team.

US pol is disgusting.

Don't be Played by these people.

@snow That would leave it open to the Republican machine, ain't a good idea.

I like Senator Elizabeth Warren, think she would be a great president. But she's out of the competition now.

DNC can't stomach Bernie taking the nomination, which would lead to a nasty election and possible loss to T man. Argh.

I don't vote there, am not in the USA or a citizen, but the whole world gets affected by the outcome of this election.

@design_RG Biden isn't the nominee yet... and we can prevent him from becoming nominee. Trump will attack him ruthlessly in the general election, we can't let things get to that point by ignoring his weak points now.

@mewmew They will campaing in a dirty way indeed, it will be nasty.

Bidden doesn't have the nomination yet, correct, but what would happen if Bernie wins it? Another nastiness scenario, many people won't vote for him.

These preliminary salvos are already showing GOP people won't care about decency, just about damaging their opponents.

@design_RG so?

If we don't attack Biden, and Trump does, he will lose.

If you fairly compare Sanders and Biden, Sanders wins every time.
@snow @design_RG believing that isn't good, it will only help those wishing to take your power away from you

your vote on its own is inconsequential, but together with others it can make a difference. elections have been decided by a single vote before
@snow @design_RG believing that isn't good, it will only help those wishing to take your power away from you

your vote on its own is inconsequential, but together with others it can make a difference. elections have been decided by a single vote before


I really dont **want** trump to win, but...

Sanders is more likely to let Trump win than Biden.

Think About it. Sanders cant even win the popular vote int he primaries, Biden is beating him out right, and thats before the super delegates even voted.

If he cant even win a majority among the neo-liberals do you really think he stands a chance of winning a majority if you include conservatives int he voting base, hell no.

The truth is Trump is an extremist in the way he presents himself (though closer to moderate when it comes to his actual policies). Anyone who is already an extreme left neo-liberal is going to support the blue ticket regardless of who it is. The only people on the fence on where to vote are going to be undecided moderates/centrists. They are going to want to vote for someone closer to moderate. For Sanders vs Trump its a garunteed win for Trump.

With that said while Biden stands a much better chance of winning against Trump one glance at the tons of videos of him "groping" little kids on stage is all one needs to see to know Biden doesnt stand a chance either.


@freemo @design_RG We're not going to win the election by winning over conservatives. We tried that in 2016. We failed.

The anti-Trump vote will vote for whoever is against Trump, whether that be Bernie or Biden. The candidate doesn't matter for winning their vote.

Bernie energizes people much better than Biden does. Most people supporting Biden now mistakenly believe that he has the best chance against Trump, and that is the only reason why they support him. Bernie polls much better among independents than Biden does. He doesn't have weaknesses that Biden does like NAFTA that allowed Trump to get Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania in 2016.

So no, anyone who is far left is NOT going to support the blue ticket regardless - there's a big "Bernie or Bust" movement. There's next to no one who would pick Biden > Trump > Bernie - maybe if you swapped Biden for Bloomberg, but if they'd even consider Trump, they would not consider Biden - he's the opposite of what they want.


I never said inning over conservatives... I said winning over **moderates** and yes you need to win them over.

The DNC lost in 2016 because they elected Hillary, the worst candidate they had since their inception.

Like I said Bernie wont win either, The DNC eliminated all the candidates that would have won already... You are past the point where you have any candidate capable of winning, same way it went down with 2016, not a single candidate with a chance.


@freemo @design_RG Hillary was a moderate. The moderates voted for her.

You're making this far too simplistic. There are people who voted for Obama for change, got two terms of non-change, voted for Bernie in the primaries and Trump in the general. These are the people Bernie can win and Biden cannot and they will decide the general election.


Hillary may have been a moderate, but again she was an abysmal candidate in every way that couldnt open her mouth without lying, it cost her the election.

Like I said, being a moderate isnt enough, you have to also be a decent candidate, Hillary wasnt it.

Likewise Biden is a moderate, and while he stands a better chance than Hillary Handsy joe doesnt really stand a chance, just more of one than Sanders.

BTW I voted for bernie in the 2016 primaries, this election I will actively vote against Bernie.. So no im not sure "these are people bernie can win", I'm one of them and he certainly can't win me anymore.

Again he cant even win the popular vote in his own primaries... thats all you really need to know..


@freemo @design_RG Biden is just as abysmal. Look at his support of NAFTA, cuts to social security, etc. He's screwed.

Why will you vote against Bernie? You've presented no arguments as to why he cannot beat Trump, nor for why Biden is significantly better than Hillary.

The primaries are nowhere near over, saying "I won't vote for him because he hasn't won" is a terrible argument.


I agree, he is just as abysmal.. Like i said Trump already won this election. The two possibilities for the Democrats dont stand a chance at beating him (I say this as someone who despises trump)... The election is already over.

BUT, that doesnt change the fact that Biden stands a much better chance than Sanders, even if ultimately either will loose.


@mewmew @freemo @design_RG

>the election

Is there just one election to win? Democrats won back the House by running moderates. Whoever becomes the presidential candidate is facing unlikely odds of winning. Which candidate do think will help those downstream races more?
@dee @design_RG @freemo Bernie, by inspiring people who would otherwise go for Trump to support Democrats down-ballot instead.


Yea thats not happening. No one who is considering voting for Trump as an option would even consider Sanders.

@dee @design_RG

@freemo @dee @design_RG you're just... wrong.
People wanted change.
Sanders said he could bring it.
He lost the primary, so he supported Trump, a candidate who also promised change.


I'd be more than happy to bet on it. I usually make good money each election year predicting the outcome, I dont mind making some from you too :)

@dee @design_RG

@freemo @dee @design_RG I predicted Trump would win last time and I will predict that if Dems make the same idiotic mistake of selecting a moderate who inspires no one they will lose again.
@freemo @dee @design_RG what bet are you making? that Biden will beat Trump?


That Trump will win no matter what. You think he will loose if Sanders wins.

So the bet would be if Sanders wins primaries then I win if Trump wins, you win if sanders wins. If Biden gets the nomination the bet would e canceled since we both agree Biden will loose.

@dee @design_RG


They won back the house by a slim margin but in that same election lost significantly more seats in the senate to republicans. Since the senate is really the more powerful house of congress it was, sadly, more of a win for republicans than a loss.

@mewmew @design_RG


The Senate went R by 2 seats despite having a very favorable election map. Governorships and the House went D by a bigger margin. The Democrats won them by running moderates in red/purple districts.

@mewmew @design_RG


I'll have to double check. Regardless the republicans gained strength in the house that matters most, the senate. So I wouldnt really call it a democratic victory.

@mewmew @design_RG

@mewmew @design_RG This is simply not true; Sanders losses harshly in all the swing states, and can’t even win a primary as the progressive candidate. If you put him in a general election he’d win CA and NY and then lose all of the south and rust belt, securing a Trump win.

@matrix LOL, this one I don't mind, and it's actually funny. :)

The ones with Bidden touching young girls are cringe-worthy though.

@matrix Just finished reading a good article on The Guardian, talking about how older people prefer boring but safe when things look uncertain.

Last paragraph says some of Trump's supporters could take the same option if things get worse economically, they have little savings to weather a slow down or partial shutdown of the economy.


The fact that its cringe worthy I think should tell us he isnt fit to president. Its not like they are faked or manipulated, its literally just footage of him doing what he does best.

BTW Biden is a friend of the family, he has been over my family home for dinner and spent the night in the past (as have Trump's kids actually)...

Trust me when I say Biden is as much the opposition as Trump is :)


It's worrisome that the choice seems to be turning into a contest between him (with all the failings, and lack of excitement, proposals that attract younger voters, etc) or the man currently residing at the White House.

Gosh, that's ghastly.

As someone has mentioned in this thread, it's possible some of Bernie's supporters get pissed off and abstain from voting all together, easing the Orange Menace back in again. That is a nightmare, imo.



I agree the whole thing is nasty.

The truth is, Trump is by far one of the worst presidents we ever had in the history of the USA, there is no excuse for him to be president.

With that said despite how easy it would be to win against someone like Trump, with just a iota of decency and good policy it would be a landslide, yet somehow the DNC couldnt produce a single candidate able to come even close to passing the primaries that stands a chance of beating Trump.

As far as I'm concerned whether Bernie or Biden win, Trump has already won.

Biden is creepy and talks like he is senile. The videos of him groping random women already garuntee he wont win.

Sanders is an extremist with abysmal policies that would be devastating to the USA, but more importantly is his extremism. The swing vote is for moderates and you cant win them with extremism.

So in my mind regardless who it is Trump has won.

If anyone other than Bernie, Sanders, or Warren had won the DNC bid I would have said they have a chance, but they dont.

The DNC took all the tactics they used last election that caused them to lose (exaggeration, lying, polarization, and extremism) and doubled down on it, and now they will loose again.

Its sad and disgusting that the USA cant even get a half decent politician anywhere near a ballot...



Good analysis, and it looks pretty bleak if you are correct and it comes to pass.

Just finished an article at the NY Times that argues that Trump's actions (and in certain cases, lack of) on the corona virus issue might seal his chance; if things turn bad, which is pretty likely.



Perhaps, I mean Trump has a few black marks in that regard.. But I doubt it.

Trump signed into law year after year budget **increases** for the CDC. Plus the neo-liberal community has tried to put a lot of disinformation out there that is easily debunked.

A big part of what will loose the DNC this year I feel is the same as last election, and its not simply the candidates.

The DNC keeps trying to use a lot of disinformation, especially with trump. It has felt like a never ending smear campaign. While I hate trump I feel like the truth is bad enough, there is no need to exagerate, lie, and blow things out of perportion. But because they have done this in the extream I think a lot of the attacks on Trump, even the legitimate ones, will just fall ond deaf ears anymore.

Bring this back to the coronavirus, The legitimate mistakes Trump has made on that will be overshadowed by all the mistakes he didnt make that the neo-liberals are going to try to lie about, for example the fact about the budget earlier. Since these facts are so easily debunked I fear the end result is that any mistakes he made ont eh coronavirus will just be ignored and really wont have any effect on the election. The left has basically given Trump exactly what he needs


The NY Times one? Oh, sorry about that.

I do use a Bypass Paywalls extension on Firefox and it works really well; Maybe try opening the link on a new Private window/tab?

Or better yet, if you do have FF, visit and check it out. 😛


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