Back in 2010 #twitter launched their “” link shortened. And I thought at the time how profoundly terrible that is. If the database and/or ability to look up links ever changed, we would literally lose information. We will no longer know what URL was tweeted. It burns a huge hunk of internet history to the ground if we lose that. It was vain and shortsighted and stupid. Now in 2022, I wonder how many months we have left when we can resolve those links. And what happens to collective internet history when they’re done?
In another funny twist, what about trials or legal matters that hinge on the content of a tweet? And suddenly you can’t get the content of that tweet? Or where did that link point to?
Nobody saw this coming except for all of us who saw this coming.
#DidYouKnow? The #Fediverse (technical: #ActivityPub) is not the only #protocol with #federation.
One such, and is the oldest, is #XMPP (formerly known as #Jabber protocol).
— If the Fediverse is for the #SocialWeb; XMPP is for messaging and presence.
— It has been around since 1999, and is developed at the #IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). Yes, it's not a hobby!
— It is a #privacy -focused #InstantMessenger
Want to learn more? Visit the official website:
@neauoire and @rek - They report their discoveries of making games, art, music, nutrition, software almost self-sufficiently on their sailing boat Pico somewhere on the pacific ocean. I like their style and the idea of having a self-made, unique software ecosystem.
@drazraeltod - German software developer and fpv drone pilot. I share his interest in the unusual, unexpected and lesser known.
@criticalmedia - A German podcast account of an audio-message driven, never-ending debate on society, media and politics.
@Welchering - A German public broadcast journalist (#DLF) and journalism mentor ranting on bad journalism and broken technology.
#maker #games #gamemaker #music #musicmaker #orca #100rabbits #pico #autarkie #selfsufficiency #drone #ff #podcast #society #politics #media #journalism #deutsch #deutschlandfunk #tech #technology
anyone is reading something interesting about participatory democracy in local governments? any research? any recommendations?
#sociology #democracy #participatorydemocracy #localgovernment
NSA urges orgs to use memory-safe programming languages
RT @axel_steier
Wir suchen eine Afghanin in Deutschland, die ein uneheliches Kind hat. Hintergrund ist die Behauptung einer deutschen Behörde, dass es sowas in Afghanistan nicht gäbe. Mit dieser Behauptung wird einer verfolgten Frau die Einreise verweigert. Bitte helft!
Hallo alle. Voll schnuckelig hier. Geradezu exklusiv. Deswegen gibt’s jetzt mal exklusiv und nur hier Bernds Skizze für den Känguru-Comic vom nächsten Montag. Passt halt so gut.
Ich lege mich fest: Es wird das #Fediverse. Wird ne Menge Arbeit und dauert natürlich noch Jahre, bis es so funktioniert wie Twitter.
Die Funktionalität von Twitter ist globale, systemrelevante Infrastruktur, das MUSS dezentral und nicht-kommerziell werden. Und wird es auch.
Tiny Mastodon newbie tip 🐘:
If there are some topics you would rather not see in your timelines anymore, for example a certain Birdsite, you can use Filters!
1. On desktop, go to Preferences > Filters.
2. Click the “Add new filter" button on the upper right.
3. Then you can add things like “” or “Twitter” or “Birdsite” or something else or all of the above!
4. You can even set an expiration date if you think you'll want to hear about it again later on.
5. You will see these posts hidden as for Content Warnings and you will be able to click on “Show More” to see them OR you can enable “Drop instead of hide” or “Hide completely” in the options to not see anything at all in your timelines.
6. Enjoy! 😌
I wanna do a project in haskell soooo bad.. i just cant justify a full stack project with it for various technical and social reasons... but its so much fun!
#metrics should be about relevance, not optimization!
#SEO is from hell.
#seospam #seaspamming #performance #optimization #relevance #engagement #CMV
Most toots in German.
#autodidact #Studying: @fedieltern, #mandarin, @soziologie
🫧: #luhmann #feditipps #trading #verwechselt #politik #dataviz #sankey #pixelart #botany #buchtipp #brettspiele #powermetal #followerpower #til #fyi #cmv #debate #python #nix