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Tech-utopia was often portrayed (by enthusiasts) in the past as one where the robots took care of the mundane boring tasks, leaving the human masters to sit in leisure and pursue their creative artistic endeavours.

From that background, it’s ironic that some of the first successful mass applications of AI have been in fiction-writing and art, which are among the first things people think of as creative endeavours.

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Mastodon reminds me of why I used to like social media back in my early blogging days on the ScienceBlogs network.

Forums weren't intended to inspire outrage or spread disinformation.

We jumped in because we were genuinely excited to share things we were passionate about, build community & share ideas.

I'm super excited that, so far, #Mastodon has a similar feel of goodwill & enthusiasm. #TwitterMigration

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Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you. ~ Anne Lamott

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Julia has a lot to offer: it’s a very well put together language, has a great interactive prompt, reproducible easy project environments and dependeny management, etc. It really shines when you want to write a lot of custom code yourself - writing that in Julia is relatively easy and can be made very fast.

Python’s strength is its history and community. (1/n)

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I know this is a lot to take in, but think of it this way:

What if you could follow Instagram and Twitch and YouTube accounts from within Twitter?

Well, that's exactly how the Fediverse works! Different platforms are open to each other instead of being closed off as "walled gardens".

It's not competition, it's co-operation. When one platform's userbase grows, so does the userbase of all the other platforms.

The video shared in an earlier post is exactly about this:

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Hello #Astrodon world! We are Rubin Observatory, a new up-and-coming ground-based observatory currently under construction on Cerro Pachón in Chile.

Looking forward to sharing all the incredible engineering, science, and people of our observatory with all of you here!

#introduction #astronomy

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Until other people that I followed on the birdsite is a picture of Finn. Late of the Envigo breeding facility, he is now living his best life...

I’ve just joined @india group for -related posts.

Guppe groups are pretty simple - you follow the account @india to join the group. Then any time you wish to post to the group, just @ the same account, and the post will be shared with all the other members.

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I’m enjoying mainlining the pure, unadulterated #psychology content on here but I’m finding it hard to find others to follow. Is there a running list (Google doc?) of academic psychologists on Mastodon somewhere?

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I'm currently a research assistant interested in clinical research regarding suicidality and depression.

If anyone has advice on how to connect to neuroscience, neuropsychology, and psychology communities let me know!


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experts, what's your take on ? This is out of my scope of research, and what I've got from looking at the literature is that it's been studied for a long time, but RCTs still come up with mixed findings, although an important factor could be lack of standardization across trials. And that it could a useful perturbation strategy in studying complex networks and network control.

In any case, as it stands now, it seems to me to be somewhat far from having applicability outside of the lab. But then I look at all the companies that are pushing it as a form of treatment for all sorts of neuropsychiatric issues and I'm wondering whether I'm missing something or it's just a classic case of neurobabble.

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Re#introduction 👋

I'm a researcher who works at the intersection of #EducationalPsychology (how humans learn) and #Psychometrics (development of statistical tools for the objective measurement of skills & knowledge). I'm particularly interested in the measurement & modeling issues in the domain. More recently I have been looking at the marriage between #CausalInference & Psychometric Modeling. I also build & publish #OpenSource #JuliaLang packages to support my research. #EdPsych #CausalInf.

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One thing I'm considering right now is whether to use Hugo or Franklin.jl.

Hugo is more mature and more oriented towards the kind of site she needs.

On the other hand, I know Julia a lot better than Go and the templates we're looking at in Hugo need adaptation to her specific needs.

Both are very fast. Franklin.jl has a longer startup time, but it's fast to refresh which is the most important thing

While Franklin.jl is less popular, Julia uses it for their website, so it's not going anywhere

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I'm really happy today! A bunch of my best math/physics friend on Twitter are now here on Mastodon!

In this thread I'll introduce you to some of them. If you like my stuff - explanations of math, physics, and related things - you may like my friends, too.

Let me start listing some... I don't know the best way to do this, so it may take a couple of tries.

(If I left you out, it could be just my forgetfulness.)


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Since I am “new” here (account is old, posting is new) let’s start a thread here where you say what you are looking to connect on and what you can offer. Then share a few accounts that are awesome. We can boost accordingly.

I am Nick and I bring positivity, will cheer on your successes and I love to make things.

I am looking for other positive voices and people looking to make the world better.

Here are some recommendations @mike @hackster_io @arturo182

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Time for the semifinals!

Ubuntu - Fedora
Mint - Debian

Vote for your favorite Linux distribution!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.